If you know me you know I can very verbal. Verbose even. Why do I now say I'm nearly nonverbal?
Combination of factors: I talk to few & see fewer. Plus the pain. At an appointment today I was asked what the pain prevents me from doing. And... eventually... I said... thinking.
I stopped driving a few years ago. I walk everywhere at a slow pace and notice more than ever. My encounters with my fellow humans, both friends and strangers, have changed dramatically. Sometimes people yell at me from passing cars. I rarely make out what they've said or if I know the person. Sometimes friends see me and pull alongside to talk, loudly at me, with their engines rumbling. Some friends will park their cars and join me at my own pace for a bit but they're twitchy. They can't wait to get back into their vehicles to get somewhere fast.
Everything that I just said is not about cars at all.
As part of #100DaysToOffload I am offloading my overloaded tabs and bookmarks. If I stick with this being a regular series sometimes I'll have stuff to say and sometimes just list links for future reference. #1000TabsToOffload
I sense myself at a nexus of old and new. That sounds grandiose and sci-fi, but it's a mundane truth. Every moment is between old and new. I made some writing decisions—I want to categorize a few different types of writing by URL—that gave birth to this blog for uncategorized writing. I wanted continuity so I imported prior posts here. I have been working my way back to new. When I finished my importation I made a Post Zero as pivot point. That put me in mind of Inbox Zero, Browser Tab Zero, and fresh starts...
During the time that I've been arranging this blog just so I have barely made a peep on popular social media. Today I dropped the following note there:
Help that denies someone's agency isn't help. The solution to “Beggars can't be choosers” is that no one should have to beg for basic needs. Basic needs include respect for every human's autonomy. All choosers, no beggars. That's just.