
An out of character post for this list because it's literally written in character, as if I were running a news organization. I would like to do more writing that addresses issues from a fictive or hypothetical point of view. Rather than emit constant criticism I want to entertain positive possibilities. These types of ideas may take form in my PlanetB blog.

Original post below.


I don’t wanna let people down I don’t wanna let myself down I’m sad I’m supposed to be happy now, committed to my current ways. I just spent $450 to not feel better. I feel bad I feel discouraged I don’t wanna talk about it I don’t wanna talk to anybody I don’t wanna see anybody and maybe I’ll feel better tomorrow Good night


This post was part of the decision making process that continues now with moving of posts from one blog location to another. Pointless busy work, it could seem. There are times when such easy work aids in thought processing. This rearranging is me making a home for ideas, streams of ideas, rooms of ideas. Many metaphors to cross...

Original post below.


Or Why I Settle For Less

“I'm learning to settle for less,” I said and was admonished that I should say that I am learning to manage my expectations. Some words speak to my gut and some do not. “Renunciation” & “maintaining realistic expectations” are concepts that my mind may be able to embrace. To actually make these difficult changes I need buy-in from my gut. And that's why I invoke Settle For Less as a personal philosophy (and de-growth as a societal one).

Original post below.


I am working to break my Pavlovian response to the notification bell. I seek online communications grounded in mutual respect. Small ways that I try to show respect for others' time and attention are to use hashtags meaningfully and minimally; to offer image descriptions; and to provide additional info alongside outgoing links.

Image of Auntie Whispers from the Cartoon Network Studios production Over The Garden Wall (currently available ad-free on Hulu; highly recommended fall vibes). She's a very odd, grotesque looking woman with big bugged eyes spaced far apart on her large round face, a mauve nose, pale peach facial skin with grey shaded bags under eyes, a grey mouth and black teeth (most missing). She's wearing a cream colored bonnet. In her outstretched hand (that's yet another skin tone, orange-pink) she's holding a glowing bell over which I have pasted a white notification bell icon with the number 1 inside a red circle badge that’s positioned at 2 o’clock on the bell. In the story when Auntie Whispers rings the bell and it glows she intones, “The ringing of the bell commands you.”


An introductory post full of many things I'd now omit or write differently and some things I fully embrace like,

Signing up to share content on a non-Fediverse site is the beginning of an abusive relationship filled with nonstop, complex harassment. By making a homestead in the Fediverse I'm not only showing respect to my visitors, I'm healing myself.

Full post below.


Their exhausting assault is a significant factor in alienation. We interact at all times with entities that have no feelings, no respect for us or anything but profit. Surely I’m not the only human alive who feels nothing but contempt for dozens of corporations every day.

Full post below.


Capitalism isn’t just economics. It’s a mindset. No matter how much we meme that what matters is what’s inside, love, feelings, God, the sunset, or whatever, the truth is that most of us have fully absorbed the belief that if it’s not worth money it’s worthless.

Full post below.


(from like 2023 psh)

I dislike broken links. I struggle with organization. I like complexity. This post begins the prehistory of my current catch-all fediblog. I will re-upload posts from two other fediverse blog spaces that I now wish were here.