Karin Wanderer Learns


Hello & Hello Again!

Every so often on this blog, we take a break & share a #recipe instead of talking about art. You can find a complete list of the recipes at the end of this article. Would you like to share a recipe in a future blog post? Let me know!

C is for... Challah!

This recipe takes time, but it is worth it! I love this amazing bread so much when it is freshly baked, either plain or with jam. Want a sweeter braided bread? Check out my bulle recipe.

Braided loaf of challah baked a gorgeous brown, with some slices cut. Recipe makes 3-4 loaves depending on the size


  • 2 ½ cups warm water
  • 1 tablespoon active dry yeast
  • ½ cup honey
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 8 cups unbleached all-purpose flour


  • In a large bowl, sprinkle yeast over barely warm water.
  • Beat in honey, oil, 2 eggs, and salt.
  • Add the flour one cup at a time, beating after each addition, graduating to kneading with hands as dough thickens.
  • Knead until smooth and elastic and no longer sticky, adding flour as needed until it reaches a good handling texture. Bowl of bread dough waiting to rise
  • (This is how you test for a “good handling texture”: Press the dough gently with a clean finger. The dough should barely stick to your finger as you start to pull it away & slowly re-inflate to the original dough ball size instead of staying indented from your finger.)
  • Cover with a barely-damp clean cloth and let rise for 1 ½ hours or until dough has doubled in bulk. Bowl of bread dough risen until doubled in bulk.
  • Punch down the risen dough and turn out onto floured board.
  • Divide in half and knead each half for five minutes or so, adding flour as needed to keep from getting sticky.
  • Divide each half into thirds and roll into long snake about 1 ½ inches in diameter.
  • Pinch the ends of the three snakes together firmly and braid from middle. It’s just like braiding hair: if you don’t know how, there are a billion tutorials online. If you want to get fancy, you can braid more strands. This will affect your cooking times- my instructions are for a 3-strand braid. If you try a more complicated braid, let me know how it goes!
  • Either leave as braid or form into a round braided loaf by bringing ends together, curving braid into a circle, pinch ends together.
  • Grease two baking trays and place finished braid or round on each. Cover each with a dish towel and let rise about one hour.
  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  • Beat that last egg and brush a generous amount over each braid.
  • Bake at 375 degrees F for about 40 minutes. Bread should have a nice hollow sound when thumped on the bottom.
  • Cool on a rack for at least one hour before slicing. Do not rush this! It's hard, I know, but it's worth it.

4 Unbaked braided loaves of challah.

Finish Them!

My favorite ways to eat this bread are plain or with a bit of lingonberry jam, alongside a cup of coffee.

Past Recipes

We’ll get back to talking about art next week. Is there an author or topic you want me to cover? Let me know on Mastodon or Ko-Fi! The #ArtABCs challenge is on! Join us for Letter B!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

It's finally cold enough to use my oven again! Do you know what this means? That's right; more bread art! I love making art, baking, & feeding people. I think bread art is almost too much fun, & my friends/family love to enjoy the results!

Which Bread Recipe Should I Use?

Whatever you want! I used Wolfe3D's pizza dough recipe (Bake 30ish minutes @ 400 F (205 c))! I have used the focaccia recipe from Joy of Cooking. I believe that a thick quickbread batter (like cornbread) would work, but I have not had time to test that idea. Don’t want to make any kind of bread dough? You don’t have to. Pick up a pre=made pizza dough at the supermarket & go wild!

Pre- and post-baking photos of bread art made to look like a garden of purple flowers with sliced shallots, jalapenos, green onions, fennel, rosemary, & a radish.

It’s so easy!

Lots of different herbs & vegetables can be used for bread art. Experiment with whatever you’ve got! Just keep a few things in mind…

Think Thin, But Not Too Thin

Slice those veggies extremely thin. Anything too thin, like fennel fronds, needs to be packed tightly together because it will shrink quite a lot Pre- and post-baking photos of bread art made to look like flowers and mushrooms growing in the weeds with sliced jalapenos, green onions, fennel, rosemary, mushrooms, & radishes. The fennel fronds are spaced far apart on the pre-baked dough, so they are frazzled & charred in the post-baked pic. Ask me how I know

Stay Cool

Soak your cut veggies in ice water with a squeeze of lemon, drying thoroughly before you arrange them on your dough.

Sliced shallots, jalapenos, green onions, fennel, rosemary, & a radish sitting in a shallow dish of ice water.

Use the Right Tools

A sharp knife makes your job much easier. You could also use a mandolin or vegetable peeler for those very thin slices. Cookie or biscuit cutters are great for punching out shapes!

Preparation is Key

Take your time & get all your veggies prepped, soaked, & drying on a clean dish towel before you start decorating.

Be Firm!

Poke your toppings into the dough firmly; I like to use a chopstick. If they are just sitting on top of the bread the design will explode & your thinner greens may burn, no matter how well you soaked them in ice water.

What Do You Think?

Will you make your own bread art? I hope so! I want to see what delicious art you make Mastodon Bluesky For more, click on #recipe

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Hello & Hello again! Every so often on this blog, we take a break & share a recipe instead of talking about art. Here is where you can find every #recipe. Would you like to share a recipe in a future blog post? Let me know!

Photo of beautiful blueberry tarts.

These jam tarts are fantastic & easy to make! Use whatever flavor of jam you like- just make sure it is seedless. The original recipe was for an 8 inch tart but I prefer to bake them in a 12-cup muffin tin.

This Week We’re Making Jam Tarts!


Crust: * ½ c butter, melted * 1 c 2 tbl AP flour * ½ c sugar * 1 tsp vanilla extract * ½ tsp almond extract * ½ tsp salt


  • Mix all to a crumbly dough & press lightly into muffin tin
  • Bake ~12 minutes at 350°F – until the crust is just barely starting to brown

  • While the crust bakes, mix everything in the Topping list except for the jam


Topping: * 1 c Greek yogurt or ricotta cheese * 1 egg, lightly beaten * 2 tbl sugar * ½ tsp vanilla * 1 tsp of whatever spices pair well with your jam (I used cardamom)

  • 12 tbl seedless jam (I used blueberry)


  • Take the muffin tin out of the oven, but LEAVE THE OVEN ON with the door closed.
  • Divide topping mix evenly between muffin cups- it's about 1 tablespoon each
  • Top each with 1 tablespoon jam
  • Put it back in the oven ~45 minutes (still at 350°F) – until the jam starts to caramelize.
  • Let the tart(s) cool for a bit in the tin, then remove from tin(s) & let them cool entirely on a wire rack.
  • Do not eat them before they are fully cooled as they will burn the heck out of your mouth (ask me how I know!)

Photo of beautiful blueberry tarts, with one cut open to show the delicious center.

The #KWPrompt is #Monochrome for 1 more week!

Let's spend the next week focusing on what we can do with only one color. Show me how you think!

Use #KWPrompts #Monochrome &/or tag me @KarinWanderer so I can see your art

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky IG

All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed.

Have a fantastic day, enjoy these tarts while you draw something for my art challenge, see you next week!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Today we are talking about making bread art, which is exactly what it sounds like. This ephemeral art looks good & tastes great- who could ask for anything more?

A loaf of focaccia in a round baking dish decorated with purple & white onions with shishito peppers sliced & arranged to look like a flower, baked light golden brown. Red & white onions with shishito peppers

Which Bread Recipe Should I Use?

Whatever you want! I used the focaccia #recipe from The Joy of Cooking for the bread in the photos, but any yeasted bread should work. I've even made it with Wolfe3D's pizza dough recipe (Bake 30ish minutes @ 400 F (205 c))! I believe that a thick quickbread batter (like cornbread) would work, but I have not had time to test that idea. Don’t want to make any kind of bread dough? You don’t have to. Pick up a premade pizza dough at the supermarket & go wild!

Photo of a slice of focaccia, with a lovely crumb. Focaccia dough makes great pizza & pizza dough makes great focaccia

It’s so easy!

Lots of different herbs & vegetables can be used for bread art. The examples in this article use red, green, & white onions, as well as bell & shishito peppers. Experiment with whatever you’ve got! Just keep a few things in mind…

Think Thin

Slice those veggies extremely thin. As you can see in the picture below, the purple flower was made with big thick pieces of red onion. As you can see in the picture just below that, the purple flower pretty much fell apart as the onion pieces roasted & shrank. The red pepper pieces were much thinner & they shrank much less. Photo of 3 loaves of focaccia decorated with raw vegetables, about to go into the oven. Loaf 1: circular loaf with a simple mandala made from green onions & red peppers. Loaf 2: small rectangular loaf using red & green onions to look like irises. Loaf 3 : small rectangular loaf using red peppers & green onions to look like tulips. Test 1: Unbaked

Stay Cool

Soak your cut veggies in ice water, drying thoroughly before you arrange them on your dough. This keeps the vegetables from shrinking & twisting so much. In the picture below, the greens in the round pan were not soaked & have shriveled quite a bit, while the greens in the rectangular pans were soaked in ice water & have shrunk much less.

Photo of 3 loaves of focaccia, baked to golden brown. Loaf 1: circular loaf with a simple mandala made from green onions & red peppers. Loaf 2: small rectangular loaf using red & green onions to look like irises. Loaf 3 : small rectangular loaf using red peppers & green onions to look like tulips. Test 1: Baked

Use Science!

Squeeze half a lemon into your ice water. This will keep your greens green instead of brown! It seems to have a slight brightening effect on other vegetables as well.

Use the Right Tools

A sharp knife makes your job much easier. You could also use a mandolin or vegetable peeler for those very thin slices. Take your time & get all your veggies prepped, soaked, & drying on a clean dish towel before you start decorating. Poke your toppings into the dough firmly; I like to use a chopstick. If they are just sitting on top of the bread the design will explode & your thinner greens may burn, no matter how well you soaked them.

1 round & 4 small loaves of golden brown focaccia, decorated with produce. The round one has a mandala made with red peppers & red & green onions. The rectangular ones have a mess of sliced onions that were supposed to look like flowers. Ask me how I know!

What Do You Think?

Will you make your own bread art? I hope so! I want to see what delicious art you make Mastodon Bluesky

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Hello & Hello Again!

Every so often on this blog, we take a break & share a #recipe instead of talking about art. You can find a complete list of the recipes at the end of this article. Would you like to share a recipe in a future blog post? Let me know!

We’re making Bulle- Swedish braided sweet bread!

This recipe takes time, but it is worth it! I love this amazing bread so much when it is freshly baked, either plain or with jam.

Braided loaf of bulle baked golden brown & ready to eat. Recipe makes 3 loaves this size


  • 1 cup milk
  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons (1 package) yeast, dissolved in a small amount of warm water
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ¾ cup sugar (I use raw sugar, but brown works too)
  • 1 tablespoon ground cardamom
  • 4 ½ cups AP flour Also:
  • 1 egg, beaten well
  • ¼ cup sugar, optional


  • Warm the milk enough to melt the butter in it. Set aside to cool.
  • Whisk 2 eggs & sugar together thoroughly in a large bowl, then whisk in salt
  • Gently mix the milk/butter mixture into the eggs/sugar/salt. (Warning: If the mixture is too warm, it will cook the eggs!)
  • Gradually mix in 2 cups of flour
  • Mix in the yeast & cardamom
  • Keep adding flour to the dough until it reaches a good handling texture. This is how you test for a “good handling texture”: Press the dough gently with a clean finger. The dough should stick to your finger as you start to pull it away, stretching a little, but then snap back to the dough ball instead of staying on your finger.
  • Cover the bowl of dough with a clean cloth, & set it somewhere warm to rise until it is double in size, usually 2-3 hours.
  • Remove the cloth from the bowl & punch down the dough. This means punching in the middle of the risen dough, releasing some of the air
  • Working on a floured surface, separate the dough into 3 equal sections.

Each section will make 1 loaf of bread. Repeat the following with each section:

  • Cut into 3 equal pieces.
  • Roll each piece out into a “rope” of dough, try to keep all 3 as close in length/diameter as possible
  • Braid the 3 ropes into a loaf. It’s just like braiding hair: if you don’t know how, there are a billion tutorials online. If you want to get fancy, you can braid more strands. This will affect your cooking times- my instructions are for a 3-strand braid. If you try a more complicated braid, let me know how it goes!
  • Grease 3 baking sheets or put parchment paper on them.
  • Put each loaf on its own baking sheet, covered by a clean cloth, & set to rise in a warm place until it is double in size, usually 1 hour.

Unbaked braided loaf of bulle.

  • Heat the oven to 350°F (177°C).
  • This is where the ingredients from the “Also” section come into play. Just before they go into the oven, brush the beaten egg over the risen loaves & sprinkle with sugar. Brown sugar burns if used in this step, so use raw/white sugar. If you have no raw/white sugar, just use the beaten egg for this last bit.
  • Bake loaves for 20 minutes, until golden brown. If your oven is too small to bake them all at once, put in unbaked loaves in your fridge while waiting so they don’t rise too much.
  • Let cool completely before cutting

Finish Them!

My favorite ways to eat this bread are plain or with a bit of lingonberry jam, alongside a cup of coffee.

Past Recipes

We’ll get back to talking about art next week. Is there an author or topic you want me to cover? Let me know on Mastodon or Ko-Fi!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Hello & Hello Again!

Every so often on this blog, we take a break & share a #recipe instead of talking about art. You can find a complete list of the recipes at the end of this article. Would you like to share a recipe in a future blog post? Let me know!

This week, we’re making Peanut Butter Bread!

This recipe is so tasty, easy, & flexible! I love this amazing bread so much when it is freshly baked, either plain or with jam, honey, or apple butter. I love it even more the next day as peanut butter french toast!

Photo of a full loaf of peanut butter bread. Apologies for the bad pic, I was fighting off hungry people.


  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons (1 package) yeast
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 3 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1 egg
  • 3 cups of flour (see below) Flour is flexible in this recipe! You can use All-Purpose &/or Bread flour, & you can substitute a little semolina flour to make it even better. You can use up to 1 ½ cups of semolina flour. My favorite ratio is 2 cups AP flour with 1 cup Semolina flour. Let me know what you try, I love hearing about your baking!

Photo of just-mixed bread dough; it almost looks like very wet sand. If you use semolina flour, your dough will look like wet sand. That’s ok!


  • Combine the warm water, yeast, sugars, & honey. Let the yeast proof.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients. If you measure the oil before the peanut butter, it will grease the measuring spoon so the peanut butter doesn’t stick. Mix well.
  • Grease a bread pan (9x5inch pan) well. Add the bread dough, cover with a dish cloth, & let rise in a warm area for 1 hour. If you use most/all AP/Bread flour, your bread will have a nice rounded top that may rise a bit higher than the top of your bread pan. If you use a lot of semolina, like I did, it will probably not rise past the top of the bread pan.

  • Heat the oven to 325°F (163°C).

  • Bake for about 30 minutes, until the top is golden brown. Photo of the golden brown delicious top of a loaf of peanut butter bread.

  • Cool the bread in the pan. The best way to do this is to lay the bread pan on its side. This allows more steam to escape, cooling the loaf faster & not allowing the bottom to get all soggy. Let the bread cool completely before slicing!

Finish Them!

My favorite ways to eat this bread are simply, with a bit of jam, or complicatedly, as french toast! A slice of delicious peanut butter bread french toast with maple syrup.

Past Recipes

We’ll get back to talking about art next week. Is there an author or topic you want me to cover? Let me know on Mastodon or Ko-Fi!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Hello & Hello Again!

Every so often on this blog, we take a break & share a #recipe instead of talking about art. You can find a complete list of the recipes at the end of this article. Would you like to share a recipe in a future blog post? Let me know!

This week, we’re making Gold Bars!

This is my absolute favorite citrus recipe. I make the filling with lemons,oranges or a combination of both! What really makes this recipe special, though, is the olive oil shortbread crust.

Close-up photo of a plate of delicious lemon curd on a pastry crust.

Shortbread Crust


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil


  • Heat the oven to 325°F 3 (163°C).
  • Lightly grease an 8-inch square baking dish & line it with enough parchment paper to hang over two sides. Without parchment paper, lifting the bars out of the pan without breaking them will be difficult.
  • Mix flour, sugar, & salt in a medium bowl.
  • Add the olive oil & mix just until a lumpy dough forms.
  • Put the dough in the pan. pat flat with your hand, & prick all over with a fork.
  • Bake for 50-55 minutes, rotating halfway through. You want the crust to be lightly golden brown. Remember that this is going back into the oven, so it shouldn’t get too dark!
  • While that bakes, mix up the filling.

Close-up photo of golden-brown shortbread in a square glass baking dish.

Lemon or Orange Filling

This recipe can be made with lemons or oranges or both. For simplicity’s sake, I am just going to say ‘lemon’ & we’ll all agree you can do whatever you want. Let me know if you try limes!


  • 1 ¾ cups sugar
  • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 6 large eggs
  • 7 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon zest
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt


  • Combine the sugar, lemon juice, eggs, flour, oil, zest, & salt in a large bowl. Whisk until it is smooth.
  • When the crust is puffed & golden brown, pull it out of the oven. Re-whisk the lemon mixture.
  • Pour the mixture onto the hot crust, then return to the oven.
  • Bake for 25-30 minutes, rotating the pan halfway through, until the edges are puffy & the center just barely jiggles when you nudge the pan.
  • Cool on a wire rack to room temperature, then cover & refrigerate until cold.

Finish Them

Gold Bars are very tasty as they are, but there are a variety of toppings you can try! I don’t like my sweets to get too sweet- I usually just sprinkle a tiny pinch of salt on my Gold Bars while they cool on the wire rack. Of course, this is dessert. If you want sugar on top, I won’t stop you. Once the Gold Bars have fully cooled, you can dust the top with a bit of powdered sugar. However, if you really like your sweets sweet, you can make a glaze by whisking ½ cup of powdered sugar & 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Pour over the fully-cooled bars. Allow the glaze a few minutes to set- if the Gold Bars are fully cooled it won’t take too long! Once your topping has been applied, lift from the pan & cut into squares.

Past Recipes

We’ll get back to talking about art next week. Is there an author or topic you want me to cover? Let me know on Mastodon or Ko-Fi!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Every so often on this blog, we take a break & share a #recipe instead of talking about art. I’ve shared my favorite vegan cake recipe & my best plum tea. Wolfe3D shared his pizza recipe in my first collaboration! Would you like to share a recipe in a future blog post? Let me know!

Close-up photo of a delicious brownie.

We’re Making Brownies!

This is one of the oldest recipes in my collection. It is both simple & easy. According to my exhaustive research, there are infinite brownie recipes on the internet. There are prettier brownies, there are fancier brownies- but I can make these when I’m down to my last spoon. To me, recipes like this are invaluable!

Photo of a bowl with the wet ingredients for brownies & a cup with the dry ingredients. A square glass baking dish & rubber spatula wait next to them.


  • ¾ cup butter, melted & cooled enough that it won’t cook the eggs
  • 1 ½ cups sugar
  • 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • ¾ cup flour
  • ½ cup cocoa powder
  • Spices to taste (I use cardamom, cinnamon, & a touch of cloves.)
  • ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoons salt

Photo of brownie batter in a square glass baking dish.


  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C).

  • Grease an 8x8 pan. (If you use sticks of butter to bake this, you can use the paper wrappers to grease your pan. An 8x8 pan is small enough that there is usually enough butter left on one wrapper to grease the whole pan!)

  • In a large bowl, mix the melted butter, sugar and vanilla thoroughly.

  • Add eggs one at a time, mixing thoroughly.

  • Combine the flour, cocoa, spices, baking powder, & salt in a separate container. Gradually blend this dry mixture into the egg mixture.

  • Spread the batter evenly into the prepared pan.

  • Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until the brownies begin to pull away from the sides of the pan.

  • Let the brownies cool completely in the pan. Do not rush this! If you cut them while they are still warm they will dry out fast & you will lose that wonderful brownie-y texture.

Close-up photo of a delicious brownie.

Quick History Lesson

There are many different stories about who invented brownies. The most popular claim is that brownies were created for an event at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. I would have thought such a simple, delicious dish was much older!

The mouth-watering top of a pan of brownies.

We’ll get back to talking about art next week. Is there an author or topic you want me to cover? Let me know on Mastodon or Ko-Fi!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Every 2 months or so on this blog, we take a break & share a #recipe instead of talking about art. Last time Wolfe3D shared his pizza recipe in my first collaboration. The time before that, I shared my favorite vegan cake recipe Would you like to share a recipe in a future blog post? Let me know!

This week, we’re making Plum Tea!

Two glasses full of iced tea sit on a counter. The glasses say "Bubble Up" & have straws sticking out of them. This recipe is delicious hot or iced.


  • 4 ripe plums
  • 1 cup sugar – any kind
  • 1 cup water
  • Lots of ice
  • Your favorite tea*

*I used Apricot Medley (#NotSponsored) this time, but have made this recipe in the past with many different herbal & black teas. Part of the fun of this recipe is getting to experiment with whatever tea you like!


  • Stem, pit, & quarter 4 plums. You do not need to peel them. If the plums are very small, you only need to cut them in half- but you may need 5-6 plums to get the same results.

  • Put the plums into a tall pot with 1 cup of water & 1 cup of sugar.

  • Bring to a boil, remove pot from heat, & let sit, covered, for 20 min.

  • Uncover, remove plums, & let the simple syrup cool.

Close up photo of gorgeous burgundy simple syrup.

  • Pass the time by eating the extra-delicious plums on fruit salad, granola, ice cream, etc. They will keep in the fridge for at least a day, maybe longer- but they get eaten so fast in this house I’ve never managed to find out how long!

  • Fill ½ of a pitcher with ice, then fill ⅓ of the pitcher with syrup

A pitcher is one-third full of ice & gorgeous burgundy simple syrup.

  • Fill the rest of the pitcher with your favorite iced tea.

Tea is being poured from a dark blue teapot into a pitcher full of ice & simple syrup.

I love that this one recipe makes both drinks & snacks, with minimal effort. The hardest part is waiting for the syrup to cool!

We’ll get back to talking about art next week. Is there an author or topic you want me to cover? Let me know on Mastodon or Ko-Fi!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Hello & Hello Again!

This week’s blog is written by KWL’s very first guest blogger! This is my favorite pizza #recipe, from my favorite pizza chef. Introducing the sweet pepper to my red onion, the mutant turtle to my samurai rabbit, self-certified Pizza Expert: Wolfe3D!

Watercolor & ink painting of a man with curly brown hair & a beard smiling as he leans out from behind a computer monitor. There is a Superman action figure on his desk & a Super Star on his monitor. Certified Pizza Expert

Wolfe3D, developer of free PICO-8 awesomeness & frequent contributor to PICO-View! Pronouns: He/him Profession: Visual Effects Artist/Teacher Hobbies: Music, cooking, retro gaming Where to find me: Reddit, Discord, BBS, or Mastodon.

I’m working on a free Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan game called Shredder’s Prevenge for Pico-8, which should work on your phone or computer. It’s a great way to learn coding and have fun! I hope to make games based on original ideas some day, but for now this is a way to build experience and learn the tools and systems I need to make those games. It’s a side-scrolling beat-em-up like most TMNT games, but with a few unique touches including an interactive arcade and a vs. mode.

One of the things I love the most about PICO-8 is the community. Whether it be in the subreddit, the Discords, or on Mastodon, everyone involved in the PICO-8 scene tends to be friendly, welcoming to newcomers, and generous with their knowledge and skills. Thanks to all of you for helping me to learn, and to teach.

To Pizza!

This recipe makes 4 pizzas’ worth of dough. If you get this dough going on a Sunday night you won't have to worry about dinner until next Friday! You can bake it on a cookie sheet, we used a 12 inch round pizza pan.

Ingredients: * 4 cups AP flour * 1 tablespoon active dry yeast * 4 tablespoons of sugar * 1 teaspoon of salt * ⅓ teaspoons of baking soda * 1 cup of warm water * 2-3 cups of room temperature or cold water * Olive oil * Semolina flour * Low moisture mozzarella OR sharp cheddar & Monterey jack cheese * Pizza toppings

Kitchen counter is crowded with a mixing bowl & ingredients, such as salt. flour, & baking soda.

Step 1: Add yeast to warm water and allow 4-5 minutes to activate.

Step 2: Set aside 1 cup of flour. It will be used in step 5.

Step 3: Combine the other dry ingredients, and a drizzle of olive oil in a large bowl. Mixing bowl full of pizza dough ingredients, ready to be mixed.

Step 4: Add warm, yeasty water to the bowl and combine. Add cold water until flour is absorbed and a sticky dough forms. Mixing bowl full of very sticky dough.

Step 5: Add 4th cup of flour to bowl and mix until flour is absorbed and dough can be touched without sticking to your hands. Mixing bowl full of dough that is no longer sticky to touch.

Step 6: Form dough into a ball, cover with cloth and allow to rise.

Step 7: After the dough has risen (approximately 1 hour), cut into 4 separate pieces and place each into a greased bowl 2 pictures side-by-side. Pic 1 is a mixing bowl with a small ball of dough in it. Pic 2 is the  mixing bowl with a larger ball of dough in it.

Step 8: Cover any dough you want to store with plastic wrap and put into the refrigerator at least overnight. Allow at least 3-4 hours of rising time if you want to eat it today.

Step 9: Preheat oven to 475°F (246°c)

Step 10: Grease the baking pan and liberally sprinkle semolina flour. A round baking pan with semolina flour dusted across it.

Step 11: Stretch dough carefully into a disc and place on a baking sheet. A round baking pan with a raw pizza crust on it.

Step 12: Add sauces, cheeses, toppings, etc. 2 pictures side-by-side.  Pic 1 is Raw pizza dough on a round pan with a few spoonfuls of tomato sauce in the center.  Pic 2 is Raw pizza dough on a round pan with a tomato sauce spread across the dough.

Step 13: Focus topping placement towards the center of the pizza; toppings will drift towards the crust as it bakes. We like chicken or veggie sausage with mushroom, onions, or peppers. 2 pictures side-by-side. Pic 1 is an uncooked cheese pizza. Pic 2 is an uncooked pizza with sliced sausage & mushrooms on it.

Step 14: Bake at 475 for 10 to 15 minutes or until the cheese is melted and beginning to brown.

Step 15: Add spices and extras such as parmesan cheese, red pepper flakes, oregano, or garlic salt. 2 pictures side-by-side. Pic 1 is a close up of the pizza. Pic 2 is slices of the pizza on a blue plate.

Step 16: Slice, serve, and enjoy!

Hope you like the pizza, folks. Stay radical! -Wolfe3D

We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled art blog next week. If you want more awesome food ideas, click #recipe, included there are several non-pizza foods you can make with pizza dough. If you make any of these recipes, share pics with me!
See you next week.

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.