Never A Frown With Golden Brown

Hello & Hello Again!

Every so often on this blog, we take a break & share a #recipe instead of talking about art. You can find a complete list of the recipes at the end of this article. Would you like to share a recipe in a future blog post? Let me know!

We’re making Bulle- Swedish braided sweet bread!

This recipe takes time, but it is worth it! I love this amazing bread so much when it is freshly baked, either plain or with jam.

Braided loaf of bulle baked golden brown & ready to eat. Recipe makes 3 loaves this size



Each section will make 1 loaf of bread. Repeat the following with each section:

Unbaked braided loaf of bulle.

Finish Them!

My favorite ways to eat this bread are plain or with a bit of lingonberry jam, alongside a cup of coffee.

Past Recipes

We’ll get back to talking about art next week. Is there an author or topic you want me to cover? Let me know on Mastodon or Ko-Fi!

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