You Need More Bread

It's finally cold enough to use my oven again! Do you know what this means? That's right; more bread art! I love making art, baking, & feeding people. I think bread art is almost too much fun, & my friends/family love to enjoy the results!

Which Bread Recipe Should I Use?

Whatever you want! I used Wolfe3D's pizza dough recipe (Bake 30ish minutes @ 400 F (205 c))! I have used the focaccia recipe from Joy of Cooking. I believe that a thick quickbread batter (like cornbread) would work, but I have not had time to test that idea. Don’t want to make any kind of bread dough? You don’t have to. Pick up a pre=made pizza dough at the supermarket & go wild!

Pre- and post-baking photos of bread art made to look like a garden of purple flowers with sliced shallots, jalapenos, green onions, fennel, rosemary, & a radish.

It’s so easy!

Lots of different herbs & vegetables can be used for bread art. Experiment with whatever you’ve got! Just keep a few things in mind…

Think Thin, But Not Too Thin

Slice those veggies extremely thin. Anything too thin, like fennel fronds, needs to be packed tightly together because it will shrink quite a lot Pre- and post-baking photos of bread art made to look like flowers and mushrooms growing in the weeds with sliced jalapenos, green onions, fennel, rosemary, mushrooms, & radishes. The fennel fronds are spaced far apart on the pre-baked dough, so they are frazzled & charred in the post-baked pic. Ask me how I know

Stay Cool

Soak your cut veggies in ice water with a squeeze of lemon, drying thoroughly before you arrange them on your dough.

Sliced shallots, jalapenos, green onions, fennel, rosemary, & a radish sitting in a shallow dish of ice water.

Use the Right Tools

A sharp knife makes your job much easier. You could also use a mandolin or vegetable peeler for those very thin slices. Cookie or biscuit cutters are great for punching out shapes!

Preparation is Key

Take your time & get all your veggies prepped, soaked, & drying on a clean dish towel before you start decorating.

Be Firm!

Poke your toppings into the dough firmly; I like to use a chopstick. If they are just sitting on top of the bread the design will explode & your thinner greens may burn, no matter how well you soaked them in ice water.

What Do You Think?

Will you make your own bread art? I hope so! I want to see what delicious art you make Mastodon Bluesky For more, click on #recipe

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