I Looked In & I Saw Bread

Hello & Hello Again!

Every so often on this blog, we take a break & share a #recipe instead of talking about art. You can find a complete list of the recipes at the end of this article. Would you like to share a recipe in a future blog post? Let me know!

This week, we’re making Peanut Butter Bread!

This recipe is so tasty, easy, & flexible! I love this amazing bread so much when it is freshly baked, either plain or with jam, honey, or apple butter. I love it even more the next day as peanut butter french toast!

Photo of a full loaf of peanut butter bread. Apologies for the bad pic, I was fighting off hungry people.


Photo of just-mixed bread dough; it almost looks like very wet sand. If you use semolina flour, your dough will look like wet sand. That’s ok!


Finish Them!

My favorite ways to eat this bread are simply, with a bit of jam, or complicatedly, as french toast! A slice of delicious peanut butter bread french toast with maple syrup.

Past Recipes

We’ll get back to talking about art next week. Is there an author or topic you want me to cover? Let me know on Mastodon or Ko-Fi!

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