Karin Wanderer Learns


Hello & Hello again! Every so often on this blog, we take a break & share a recipe instead of talking about art. Here is where you can find every #recipe. Would you like to share a recipe in a future blog post? Let me know!

Photo of beautiful blueberry tarts.

These jam tarts are fantastic & easy to make! Use whatever flavor of jam you like- just make sure it is seedless. The original recipe was for an 8 inch tart but I prefer to bake them in a 12-cup muffin tin.

This Week We’re Making Jam Tarts!


Crust: * ½ c butter, melted * 1 c 2 tbl AP flour * ½ c sugar * 1 tsp vanilla extract * ½ tsp almond extract * ½ tsp salt


  • Mix all to a crumbly dough & press lightly into muffin tin
  • Bake ~12 minutes at 350°F – until the crust is just barely starting to brown

  • While the crust bakes, mix everything in the Topping list except for the jam


Topping: * 1 c Greek yogurt or ricotta cheese * 1 egg, lightly beaten * 2 tbl sugar * ½ tsp vanilla * 1 tsp of whatever spices pair well with your jam (I used cardamom)

  • 12 tbl seedless jam (I used blueberry)


  • Take the muffin tin out of the oven, but LEAVE THE OVEN ON with the door closed.
  • Divide topping mix evenly between muffin cups- it's about 1 tablespoon each
  • Top each with 1 tablespoon jam
  • Put it back in the oven ~45 minutes (still at 350°F) – until the jam starts to caramelize.
  • Let the tart(s) cool for a bit in the tin, then remove from tin(s) & let them cool entirely on a wire rack.
  • Do not eat them before they are fully cooled as they will burn the heck out of your mouth (ask me how I know!)

Photo of beautiful blueberry tarts, with one cut open to show the delicious center.

The #KWPrompt is #Monochrome for 1 more week!

Let's spend the next week focusing on what we can do with only one color. Show me how you think!

Use #KWPrompts #Monochrome &/or tag me @KarinWanderer so I can see your art

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky IG

All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed.

Have a fantastic day, enjoy these tarts while you draw something for my art challenge, see you next week!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Every 2 weeks I post a new art challenge prompt!

The new #KWPrompts is #Monochrome

Watercolor forest elephant waving Hello with his trunk. Some subjects are already monochromatic, which makes things easy

Let's spend the next 2 weeks focusing on what we can do with one color at a time.

Digital monochrome yellow drawing of a superbloom of yellow flowers in the desert. The sun beats down, the fw clouds in the sky do nothing to block it.  The mountain chains in the distance seem hazy. This art challenge is a tribute to the #NDDoodle challenge, now retired

Use #KWPrompts #Monochrome &/or tag me @KarinWanderer so I see your art

Show me how you think!

Ink painting of polar bears on a snowy background. One bear is sitting upright, the other is sleeping. Don't sleep on this art challenge!

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky IG

All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed. Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

It’s time for a new prompt for my bi-weekly art challenge! How has it been 2 weeks already? Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess.

New #KWPrompts: #OldArtNewWork

I have spent this past month making faces. While humans are still my least favorite animal, they are at least a little more fun to draw now than they were before. Comparing my current drawings to ones I made earlier made me want to redo my work so much, I decided to spend the next 2 weeks doing just that. I will be remaking a lot of my older drawings & paintings, especially animals. Join me!

Pencil sketch of woman wearing sunglasses & a headband to hold back her long hair. The original version, an idea drawn several times but never quite right

For the next 2 weeks my art prompt theme is Old Art, New Work Take something you made & remake it.

Digital drawing of a stylized woman wearing sunglasses & a head band to hold back her long hair. The updated version. I might make it into a print- what do you think?

You can change the colors! You can change the medium! Turn a sketch into a painting! Turn a sculpture into a poem! Turn a lino print into a cake! Keep everything pretty much the same & just try making it again with all your updated skills! However you want to re-imagine old artwork is up to you Show me how you think!

#KWPrompts #Face

Use #KWPrompts #OldArtNewWork &/or tag me @KarinWanderer so I see your art!

Mastodon Bluesky IG

No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed. Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

February is for Faces

I’m on a mission to draw 29 faces in 29 days! I got a bit lonely on this mission, so I made it into a 2-week art challenge we can all do together.

Join me for the second week of #KWPrompts: #Face drawing challenge Show me how you think! Mastodon Bluesky Ko-Fi Tag me @KarinWanderer &/or #KWPrompts so I see your art! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed.

A small child with hair up in twin buns looks just past the viewer. She is bundled up in a pink scarf & a purple puffy jacket.

Would you like to know more about drawing faces? No problem! This article you’re reading right now has valuable info! Would you like to know even more? Read Part 1: There Go I But For My Face

And as always…

Practice, Practice, Practice!

No matter what method you use to draw people, you always need to practice! Is drawing a whole face too intimidating? Draw it in small parts.

Digital drawings of disembodied eyes, lips, & half a face in profile from the brow line to the upper lip. The best type of practice is the type you actually do

Start with a frame

There are a lot of ways to frame out a face. Try as many different ways as you can find. You might just be surprised by what method works out for you! If you have a reference photo you like, draw wireframes over & over. This helps you see how the facial proportions work together. If you are working digitally it is very easy to layer the different wireframes to see how your different iterations line up. If you are working physically you can do the same with very thin papers & either a light box or a bright window.

Wireframe outline of a woman facing to the side. The body lines are drawn in orange, the face is roughed in using green. Wireframe outline of a woman facing slightly to the left of the viewer.

Attack of the Clones

Once you have a wireframe you like: use it, use it, use it! This is easy if you work digitally. If you work physically, trace it a few times. Using the same wireframe over & over again helps you see how everything comes together. It also is fun to see how differently you can make people look in spite of starting them from the same wireframe.

Wireframe outline of a woman facing the viewer. The body lines are drawn in orange, the face is roughed in using green. I don’t want to admit how many versions I’ve drawn of this wireframe.

Digital drawing of a woman looking calmly at the viewer. Her curly black hair is worn up under a wide-brimmed blue hat tilted to one side. She wears a purple necklace & earrings. Her body rapidly disappears from the collarbone down. I really don’t want to admit how many versions I’ve drawn of this woman.

Reference Photo vs. Live Model

Drawing with a photo is easy! The subject holds still, indefinitely, so that you can really take your time & pay attention to detail. Drawing a live model is easy! The subject is actually there, so you can look at them from a few different angles & even ask them to pose differently if you like. Drawing with a photo is hard; the angle/lens distortion can really mess up things like perspective/foreshortening that are already difficult, especially for beginners. Drawing a live model is hard; people can’t just hold still & let you practice forever. Think about what pros & cons are most important for you. Try drawing from photos, videos, & from life to see what you like the most. This will depend on your temperament, your resources, your experience & your art style. Everyone will be different!

What do you think? Do you like drawing people? Do you have any favorite tips & tricks? Please, share them with me! Mastodon Bluesky Ko-Fi

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

New #KWPrompts: #Face

It’s that time again! A new prompt for my bi-weekly art challenge! I have been thinking a lot about faces lately. Join me! Digital drawing of Lunella Lafayette a.k.a. Moon Girl studying. She has an apple juice box on the table next to her. Devil Dinosaur's giant red scales fill the background.

For the next 2 weeks my art prompt theme is #Face. Don’t want to draw a whole face? That’s OK too. Leave off the ears, just draw the nose, any face you want! Monochrome ink black painting depicts curly-bearded man smiling so big his eyes are closed.

Show Us Your Face!

Want help with faces? Read last week’s KWL!

Check them out & share your own!

#KWPrompts #Face

Tag me @KarinWanderer &/or #KWPrompts so I see your art!

Mastodon Bluesky IG

Show me how you think! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed. Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week! 2 pencil sketches: 1 is a little girl with her hair in twin buns. Most of her face is hidden in a scarf. 2 is a stylized person with an enormous head of curls framing their face, shown in profile.

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

New #KWPrompts: #Birds

It’s that time again! A new prompt for my bi-weekly art challenge! I have been thinking a lot about birds lately. Join me! Watercolor duck walking past groups of people who pay it no mind.

I Had A Visitor Recently

Photo of a falcon perched on a power line, looking off to the side. This gorgeous friend came & peered in my window the other day. I have been drawing birds ever since! I think this is a Juvenile Cooper’s Hawk.

Put A Bird On It!

For the next 2 weeks my art prompt theme is birds. Show me your birds! Don’t want to draw a whole bird? That’s OK too Watercolor branch with a bird of prey's talon clutching it (rest of bird is not pictured).

The Boy & the Heron

Starting this art challenge was one of my new year’s resolutions. Another resolution was to use art to motivate myself to leave the house more. This might sound silly, but I am agoraphobic so bribing myself to go out is necessary! This month my art excursion was going to a movie theater to watch the latest Studio Ghibli movie. It was gorgeous, & it had so many, many birds in it! I’ve never seen a Ghibli movie on the big screen before. I am so happy that I finally did! (#NotSponsored) Pencil sketches of 2 long feathers.

Show Us Your Birds

Want more birds? You’re in luck!I posted new pictures of birds with the art prompt at the links below. Check them out & share your own!

#KWPrompts #Birds

Tag me @KarinWanderer &/or #KWPrompts so I see your art!

Show me how you think! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed.

Mastodon Bluesky IG (IG users please be sure to @Karin.Wanderer, IG does not show me people who only use the #)

Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

It’s Karin Wanderer Learns’ birthday!

KWL is 1 year old!

1 year! 52 whole weeks! When I started this blog, I didn’t even have a title card! Now I do – in fact, I just recently designed a new one! It is a self portrait in the style of Tomie dePaola, one of my favorite illustrators.

Watercolor & ink painting of a pale woman with short green hair smiling as she holds a paintbrush & a piece of paper nearly as big as herself. The table behind her is covered in art supplies & mysterious bottles.

I started this blog because I needed a place to archive all the arty things I learn. Explaining something to someone else is an easy way to reinforce your own knowledge while spotting areas that need to be explored more deeply. I chose to shout my explanations into the WriteFreely void rather than talking my friends’ & families' ears off, & I am so glad I did! (They probably are, too.) Originally I was writing articles about whatever amused me and the articles were pretty short. Things quickly grew until I was doing things like writing a whole series of longer articles about #WatercolorScience & the history of Sumi. I'm not complaining- I love learning & writing about art! I kind of have to love it to keep KWL going- no one is paying me to do this. (Though they could be!) It takes a lot of time to research things, process them, & then write about them. Part of that is definitely on me, though. I type slowly.

If you had told me a year ago that I would still be writing weekly art articles, I probably would have said “yeah, that sounds like me. This is fun & I am nothing if not a creature of habit.” Now if you had told me that I would use the 1 year anniversary to shake things up, I might not have believed you. I should have believed, though. Change is coming!

In fact, it’s already here…

Last week, I started a new art challenge: #KWPrompts, brought to you most places prompts are posted:

Mastodon Bluesky IG

The challenge is very laid-back, I’m only putting a new prompt out every other Tuesday, so you have a whole 2 weeks to participate. Or go ahead & draw something for an outdated prompt. If it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad!

“But Karin” you say “KWL comes out on Tuesdays! How will you handle writing a mind-blowingly stunning article AND a soul-rendingly heartfelt art prompt AT THE SAME TIME?!??” And that’s the best part- I don’t!

Going forward, I will be alternating between releasing either a new article or a new art prompt on Tuesdays. I’m going to have so much more time for activities! #KWPrompts was one of my New Year’s resolutions. Actually, it was 1 of 2 resolutions that related to KWL directly…

Calling All Artists!

You may have noticed that I have a nice, small section of articles on Featured Artists. I want that section to grow & grow! Lately I got sidetracked learning about brilliant author Tomie dePaola & trying to read all his books, which is a tall order- there are over 200! (Big thanks to my local library system, I could never have read dozens of dePaola books without their help!) I want to write about more artists, & maybe interview current artists instead of just researching & writing about people on my own? If there is an artist (or you are an artist) who you think should be featured, let me know on Mastodon, Ko-Fi, or BlueSky!

Watercolor purple sea turtle whose blue-green shell has a bronze edge. I posted this turtle painting a year ago, the same week I started my blog.

The last year has been fantastic! I am so happy with everything I’ve learned & I’m thrilled how many of you have come along for the ride with me. I think these changes are going to make things even more fun! I’ll be here every Tuesday to talk more about art (& sometimes cooking) or to post links to each #KWPrompts art challenge. I hope you’ll be here, too!

Watercolor sea turtle with green shell, brown carapace, & greenish brown body swimming happily. I posted this turtle recently. What a difference a year makes!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

One of my New year’s resolutions is to start a biweekly art challenge: #KWPrompts. I love a good art challenge. Finding a fun art prompt can result in me casting my painting plans to the wind & spending all my free time on whatever ridiculousness some word wizard on the internet came up with. Enough is enough! I want to be that wizard! Get ready to play…

This is my very first prompt! All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch. I’ll be posting new prompts on this blog & the sites listed below every other Tuesday. I can’t wait to see what you make!

Art Prompt: A Movie You’ve Loved Since You First Saw It

Tag me &/or #KWPrompts so I see your art!

Show me how you think! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed.

#KWPrompts posted here: Mastodon Bluesky IG

Here is mine Line art of a moderately-sized boat being chased by a shark that must be very large, judging by the fin that sticks out of the water. The boat's name, "Orca", is written on the side. A Movie I’ve Loved Since I First Saw It

Here’s a list of other art challenges I want to participate in this year: #FebruaryFaces 28 (or 29) Days of Faces! #AuGHOST (August) 31 Days of Ghosts! #Slowvember (November) Taking your time with your art! #FolktaleWeek (December) 1 week of folktale themed prompts! Last but not least: Krita is a free/open source art program that I use for most of my digital art. The Krita community is lovely, & has monthly art challenges with a new theme every month

Have a fantastic day! Draw something for my art challenge! See you next week!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Happy Julian New Year!

Have you made any resolutions for 2024? Every year since 2015 I have made the same New Years’ resolution: to make better choices than last year. It’s pretty easy to stick to while allowing for slow, incremental change that I can sustain over time. I want more concrete, specific goals when it comes to art & so I have picked five. Here they are, listed from least to most challenging:

Goal 1: New Art Challenge Approaching!

I love a good art challenge. Finding a fun art prompt can result in me casting my painting plans to the wind & spending all my free time on whatever ridiculousness some word wizard on the internet came up with. Enough is enough! I want to be that wizard! I’m going to give it a week or so to let everyone recover from the holidays & get ready to play… Keep an eye out for #KWPrompts, coming soon to a Tuesday near you!

Watercolor of many pumpkins sitting in a line. A bucket & brush with orange paint on them is pushed to the side. One of the pumpkins is actually a bat, painted orange! ”PumpkinBat!” cries the wizard, & what can I do but oblige them?

Goal 2: Feature More Artists!

You may have noticed that I have a nice selection of articles on Featured Artists. I want that section to grow & grow! Lately I got sidetracked learning about brilliant author Tomie de Paola & trying to read all his books, which is a tall order- there are over 200! (Big thanks to my local library system, I could never have read dozens of de Paola books without their help!) I want to write about more current artists, & maybe interview them instead of just researching & writing about them on my own? If there is an artist (or you are an artist) who you think should be featured, let me know on Mastodon, Ko-Fi, or BlueSky!

Watercolor little girl in a blue dress & bunny slippers smiling as she looks at a red lantern. My version of Xingling from “The Nian Monster” by Andrea Wang & Alina Chau

Goal 3: Expand My Shop

That’s right, I have my very own shop where you can get my art on mugs, notebooks, or lovely vinyl stickers for your laptop or water bottle! It’s wonderful! The only problem is me: I hate uploading my new art because the website is slow enough that I get bored, but not so slow that I can actually multitask while doing it. I am very behind on uploading pictures, & this whole entry is me blogshaming myself into actually getting caught up. I wonder if it will work?

Line art of a boat being tossed about in enormous ocean waves. It worked!

If there is a piece you wish I sold in my shop, let me know! I will add it & send you a coupon code!

Goal 4: Tell Everyone How Awesome Animals Are

News flash: Animals are fantastically wonderfully great, folks. As a human I am filled with appreciation for animals. As a preschool teacher I am filled with a million facts about animals. As my second-hardest goal for 2024, I am going to get the picture book I have been writing about Marine Animals to the “dummy” stage! A picture book “dummy” is an odd bit of jargon, it essentially means a “mock-up” of the book! This is a daunting goal, but let’s face it- there can never be enough age-appropriate non-fiction books to slake a toddler’s thirst for knowledge!

Watercolor green sea turtle swimming by tranquilly. The Green Sea Turtle is the largest of all the hard-shelled sea turtles.

Goal 5: Touch Grass, Seek Inspiration

This is the hardest goal I’ve set. I want to spend this year going to Museums, Galleries, Art Fairs, etc., to experience a wider range of art. Another facet of this goal would include just walking around outside taking pictures. Why is this the hardest? Because I have agoraphobia. Maybe art will help me bribe myself into going out more? I am willing to try it!

What are your art goals for 2024? What strategies are you using to achieve them? Let me know on Mastodon, Ko-Fi, or BlueSky!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.