Karin Wanderer Learns

I use watercolors, Krita, & pixel art/animation to paint flora & fauna & fanart. Self-taught & still learning; no AI, no NFT, & no ads. New post on Tuesdays.

It’s Children’s Book week! Every year there’s a week of literacy-focused events all around the United States, starting on Read Across America Day (2 March.) The National Education Association (NEA), started Read Across America in the 90’s to promote a love of reading in young people & it is now touted as “the nation’s largest celebration of reading.” Each year has a different slogan & this year’s is: Read Books. Spark Change. This slogan seems especially apt in the face of the book bans that are becoming more & more widespread.

Miyamoto Usagi happily reads atop a stack of books. The book spines say “Read Across America

Why Talk About Books in an Art Blog?

Books are important! In case it’s not obvious yet, I’m a bookworm. I spend a lot of time thinking about books,specifically picture books. Art can certainly enhance any book; who doesn’t love finding a map in the first few pages? Picture books, as the name implies, rely just as much on art as words.

Books Build Babies’ Brains, & Pictures Make It Possible

Newborn babies have to learn how to focus their eyes. Many books for newborns don’t even have words! See books by Tana Hoban which are stark black & white images designed to help newborn eyes focus. In a world of blurs, here are images designed to engage their eyes, & let me tell you- it works!

Ed Emberley’s Go Away, Big Green Monster literally breaks a monster down, piece by piece, into individual shapes. As one of my students once said after we read it the first time, “Who’s afraid of a triangle?” Art helps children understand concepts on a tangible level.

Here are more book suggestions from NAEYC if anyone is interested.

Books Are So Very Important!

I’m going to keep saying it until it’s sunk in. Books suggest new ideas in a safe way children can examine at a safe distance. Every spring & summer as our 5-year-old students get closer to Kindergarten teachers rely on books like School’s First Day of School (by Adam Rex & Christian Robinson) to help children get ready. The story allows children to confront their feelings of excitement & nervousness. It introduces concepts & facilitates discussion in a way that can be hard to do otherwise.

I have a copy of The Dead Bird by Margaret Wise Brown (illustrator changes depending on the edition). This book stays at school in my cubby. The children I teach (2-5 years old, generally) often experience the death of a loved one for the first time while they are enrolled at my school. Whether it is a friend, family member, or pet, MWB’s timeless story helps children process the concept of death.

Children Are Socialization Machines

“Do as I say, not as I do” is a completely worthless sentence. “Actions speak louder than words” is the rule of the day. Children are learning what it means to be a person in the society they are growing up in. This means a different thing to every different person, & is a hugely difficult concept that adults struggle with, so imagine how hard it can be for a 3-year-old child! Reading a wide variety of books is one of the best (& if you have a local library, cheapest & easiest) ways to show children the wide wild world we live in. They help us explain situations before a child might even encounter them! Words to Make a Friend (by Donna Jo Napoli & Naoko Stoop) demonstrates ways to work together even when you have trouble communicating, & who hasn’t had trouble with that?

Oh, this is so long. Rant over? Rant over. See you on Tuesday!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

When Last We Left Our Karin…

I was battling imposter syndrome & getting ready for unseasonably cold rain. Then I woke up this morning to find my heater was broken & my window was leaking. Also my laptop’s power cable only works if it is positioned just so. Also my tea is cold. Doesn’t matter what I planned on talking about, today is a day to focus on things that make me happy!

If You Can Read This, Thank A Librarian

No, really. The library is an amazing resource when you are trying to teach yourself anything, & art is no exception! I would not be able to teach myself so much for free if not for the physical & digital books I borrow. My art, & therefore this blog about my art would not exist without libraries! Check yours, in person or online. My local library network also offers free classes on a whole host of subjects & has recently even started lending out musical instruments! What might yours have? You won’t know if you don’t investigate! I’m going to keep this up until everyone with access to a library is taking advantage, you may as well give in now. YouTube (etc) works too, but you have to wade through so much upselling… The library is much more peaceful.

pic of reading log shelf The shelf under the window has the art books I’ve read so far this year. Almost every book in my Reading Log came from my library.

If You Can Read This, Thank A Curator

Mastodon.Art is a lovely, inclusive community. Its Curator started the dotart.blog & encouraged people to contribute, which is why I’m here at all. I cannot emphasize enough how important it has been to have people that support me sharing my silly pictures, from my SO to people on the internet who also giggle when someone says “butts.” Maybe dotArt is your type of place, maybe it isn’t, but find your place to share your stuff. Maybe it’s at the library! (ok, fine, I’ll drop it… for now).

Here We Are

We’re all caught up on my story now, from this point on we move forward together. For now, I’m going to keep painting & learning. In the future I will be selling stickers, etc. of my watercolor animals & hopefully writing children's books, but that is something for a future post. I finally got my Ko-Fi running with a goal & a membership tier & everything! I’m curious what kind of subscription rewards you like to get (digital & physical) because I am still working on that. Drop me a line (socials linked below) & let me know what else you want me to talk about!

…& Bonus Facts

What else is there to say? I like vanilla more than chocolate. I listen to metal & punk but lately I’m so tired of finding out musicians I liked are bigots I’ve given up & started listening to ska. I like all kinds of instrumental music, They Might Be Giants, Letters to Cleo, & Veruca Salt. I like zombies more than vampires & I think Korean zombie movies/shows are absolutely knocking it out of the park at the moment.

OK, we’re either best friends or mortal enemies now. See you on Tuesday!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

We interrupt this riveting artist backstory to address a glaring omission:

In my efforts to compress the last five months of personal growth into a few hundred words, I left out some details. I know, right? Imagine! I realize now that I make sharing my work sound like it was easy. Like posting it online for people to see was no big deal. In reality I psyched myself up to post that first picture again & again, but I kept chickening out.

Nobody is paying attention!

Just send the tweet!

On the fifth try, I finally did.

After that, it got a little easier. I still occasionally had to tell myself that no one was paying attention to me, but I’ve got to the point where – in spite of my nerves – I do enjoy sharing my pictures & facts. Sometimes people even share more facts in the comments, I love it! Everyone is so nice that I kind of forgot how nervous I had been…

… until our beloved dotArt Curator started this WriteFreely instance.

I started this blog by getting writer’s block for several weeks. I ended up doing a few different polls on Mastodon. (please vote on my polls, they really help me focus!) I changed the title from “blog 1” (intending to count up) to “blog 52” (so now I count down) & somehow that helped, too. I wrote a basic introduction, then started the old familiar song & dance.

Nobody is paying attention!

Just post the blog!

On the third try, I finally did.

Nine people read my first blog! Nine! I was flabbergasted. Maybe a few of those people clicked the link by accident, but at least one or two had to have done it intentionally. Fully jazzed up, I wrote the next entries back to back. It is a two-parter. Three hundred & nineteen people read part 1.


It’s good that part 2 was already written, because I was officially intimidated by those numbers. I was so nervous when I posted part 2, I used the wrong title card! I haven’t allowed myself to see how many people have read part 2. Whether those numbers go up or down, I’m worried they would impact my ability to write this entry. It’s something I’m working on. Typing this out has helped.

& now, my thrilling conclusion:

Share your work! Share it with everyone! Tell your imposter syndrome to go pound sand! & maybe – just maybe – find a better mantra than “nobody is paying attention” so you won’t be blindsided if people actually do!

OK, I feel better now. See you on Tuesday!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Who Am I?

Karin Wanderer. I paint flora & fauna & Miyamoto Usagi fanart. If the rest of this post seems to be starting in the middle, that’s probably because this is part 2! Click here for part 1! Or read it backwards if you want, I’m not your boss.

I Love Sharing My Work!

By the end of Inktober I was in the habit of posting my silly pictures every day & I saw no reason to stop there. I share both the things I am really proud of & my embarrassing mistakes – #SlipUpSunday – due to a trend I noticed when I started drawing. There are an astonishing number of posts out there that claim to be the artists’ “first picture ever!” & then the picture is a beautiful composition that could get them hired at Studio Ghibli. I shared my potato Usagi sketch, & I continue to share my silly pictures as I learn & grow. I want people to see that progress is a series of ups & downs. As Jake the Dog once said, “sucking at something is the first step towards being sort of good at something!”

You Might be Wondering About Watercolors.

While trying to figure out a Halloween costume, I discovered some dollar store watercolors, brushes, & paper. I quickly learned Lesson 1: Paper matters. The dollar store paints are nice – I still use them – but it came with the cheapest printer paper. The paint sank into & through the paper, bleeding everywhere. It was nothing like the tutorials I watched, but I was having fun. I watched a lot of YouTubers talk about paper, I read a lot of library books about painting, & finally splurged on a pad of 140 lb (300 gsm) paper. It’s like a heavy card stock. This is one of the first things I painted… I was on cloud nine

Abstract watercolor, square like an album cover, white background. From the top left, stretching most of the way across the top, is a large blue bean shape that is partly out of frame. Bottom left corner is filled with a black rounded triangle with irregular white stripes, also partly out of frame. On the right hand side is a blue-purple-green shape that looks like a vaguely humanoid silhouette with no arms & a circle of colors here you expect the legs to be. This should be the cover for some fantastically experimental music album. Tell your friends!

…& A Bonus Fact

I never know what to write when posting my art. On Thanksgiving I was so tired I just shared something I had learned watching an ocean documentary while I painted a sea star “- not a Starfish, as it is neither star nor fish.” Turns out, other people like learning little bonus facts as much as I do! I’ve added facts to almost everything I’ve posted since then. I have almost as much fun looking up facts about the animals I’m painting as I do painting them!

What? We’re not done yet?! How much backstory does one Karin need? At least one more, apparently.

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Who Am I?

Karin Wanderer. I paint flora & fauna & Miyamoto Usagi fanart.

What Is This?

This is my blog, where I will mostly talk about learning how to draw & paint on a shoestring budget. It’s only my second entry, so I’ll be talking about how I started & how I got to this point. It’s a short story- I’m a pretty new artist.

How Did This Start?

Last September I was reading Usagi Yojimbo (one of my favorite comics) & at one point he made a face I really liked. Stan Sakai had drawn his determined expression in a way that captivated me. There was a pencil and some scrap paper near me, so on impulse I picked it up and drew this

pic of sketch

When I was done, I looked at it & I laughed out loud.

This is terrible I thought.

I really like it!

Then What Happened?

I drew Usagi a lot. I drew him standing, sitting, & leaping through the air. I even drew him on a skateboard! I spent the last week of September realizing that I loved drawing, then drawing until my wrist ached. I rested my arm on a heating pad & kept drawing. I asked myself, out loud, “what am I going to do with all these Usagi pencil sketches?” Then I learned about a little tradition called Inktober!

Inktober is an art challenge for the month of October. There is a theme for every day, but you don’t have to follow it (I mostly didn’t.) By the end of the month, I was drawing Usagi mashed up with Simpsons characters, Dr. Seuss characters… any & everything I could think of. I was also coloring the pictures using Infinite Painter (the free intro version) on my phone (a Note8) because my dollar store markers were not up to the task. I was head over heels in love with art, even if I was calling them “my silly pictures.”

This is getting to be longer than I thought. Click here for Part 2! Same Karin time, same Karin channel!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

[Hello & Hello Again! Due to Reddit choosing to mess w/API, putting money over people & making accessibility for people with disabilities difficult if not impossible, I have wiped all the pictures from my Reddit account/subreddit. That was, apparently, the only place I kept the pics for this article. Apologies for the inconvenience. ~KW 30/6/23]

Who Am I?

Karin Wanderer. I paint flora & fauna & Miyamoto Usagi fanart.

What Do I Do?

I teach myself how to draw & paint on a shoestring budget. I also work with children, mainly preschool age. I have degrees in Early Childhood Education & Special Education. I read a lot.

What Media Do I Work In?

Watercolors, mostly, & an open source digital art program called Krita. Otherwise I like to work in ink (especially sumi) or markers or food or fabric. I’m always open to trying new art! The only exception is AI art, as all generators that I know of are “trained” by art taken without the artists’ consent.

What Is This?

This is where I will be sharing my progress. As a fairly new artist I’m interested in sharing all the things I learn. As a completely new blogger I’m interested in being able to share those things in long form. I will be talking about what I am actually learning- the books, tutorials, art supplies, etc. that I find useful, & how I feel about it all. I will, of course, also be sharing neat facts I learn along the way!

pic of workspace This is my tiny work space in my tiny apartment

Books to Read with Preschoolers:

A curated list of books that I genuinely enjoy reading over & over & over & over & over & over & over.

Want to support my work & help me buy art supplies?


Things You Should Know:

  • All pictures posted in this blog are my own work, unless it is a book cover.
  • All book/tutorial/product reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.