

#100DaysToOffload is a tag created to encourage bloggers to post 100 days in a year. #1000TabsToOffload is a tag I came up with to describe my contribution to the 100 Days, sharing tabs I have been keeping open:

Manifesto for a Humane Web

A look at search engines with their own indexes

free stickers and temp tattoos

You Don’t Have To Hate Your Job To Want A Union

Glossary of ableist phrases

fedivision song contest

Primer: Primer is a music podcast about translation and illumination. In its first season, music writer Yosuke Kitazawa (PBS SoCal, Light in the Attic) joins Christian Dueñas to explore Japanese City Pop.

We Are the Curators of the Web

Púsāmán: To a Female Friend, By Qiu Jin Translated from Chinese by Yilin Wang

software you can host yourself

We need to finish building the Fediverse

To Stop Climate Change, We Have to Learn How to Love


by Rob Middleton. Find me on Mastodon or on the links.
Follow this blog @rmiddleton@dotart.blog · RSS · Past Posts

Current Temporary Contact Email: 02.bowling.foals@icloud.com

#100DaysToOffload a tag created to encourage bloggers to post 100 days in a year. #1000TabsToOffload is a tag I came up with to describe my contribution to the 100 Days, literally just a list of tabs I was keeping open until now:




When I'm feeling bad these posts are the easiest for me to do. Closing tabs by turning them into links listed here somehow feels productive. I mean, I must've kept them open for some reason, right?

#100DaysToOffload #1000TabsToOffload



As part of #100DaysToOffload I am offloading my overloaded tabs and bookmarks. If I stick with this being a regular series sometimes I'll have stuff to say and sometimes just list links for future reference. #1000TabsToOffload


Blogging. Journaling. Writing.

I sense myself at a nexus of old and new. That sounds grandiose and sci-fi, but it's a mundane truth. Every moment is between old and new. I made some writing decisions—I want to categorize a few different types of writing by URL—that gave birth to this blog for uncategorized writing. I wanted continuity so I imported prior posts here. I have been working my way back to new. When I finished my importation I made a Post Zero as pivot point. That put me in mind of Inbox Zero, Browser Tab Zero, and fresh starts...