Blog Prehistory

(from like 2023 psh)

I dislike broken links. I struggle with organization. I like complexity. This post begins the prehistory of my current catch-all fediblog. I will re-upload posts from two other fediverse blog spaces that I now wish were here.

I am not deleting the posts from their original locations because as I said broken links are annoying. Error message screenshot from CLICKH@LE Aww man. Fuck-Up Frog must have fucked up big time! They're gonna kill me for sure. IFUCKEDUP. OOPS No page was found at this URL. Please double-check that the URL is correct or try searching our site with the form below

I don't care if your 404-not-found message is cute it still sucks. While once likely the result of user typos they now indicate a complete lack of commitment by businesses to a functional web. They simply do not care. Their little gnat brains have zero concern for yesterday or tomorrow. As I’m restructuring my blogs I’m choosing to do it in a way that does not kill existing links. Because I like the web. I don’t like to break it.

I call this portion of the blog its prehistory but I am not (as yet) importing writing from outside the fediverse. At some point in the future I might revisit links and snips from my thirty years of personal sharing online. Most of that writing was on corporate owned sites and much of it is therefore gone. This blog is federated and not for profit, so I have reasonable expectation that it will remain accessible (or that I will be given prior notice if that were to change). The other obvious benefits to blogging here are no ads nor other distractions. The next eleven posts will be the imports. After copying those over I will make a post zero to mark the change from prehistory to current posting.


by Rob Middleton. Find me on Mastodon or on the links.
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