Do You Believe in Good & Bad?

I sorta don’t.

“Do you believe in Right & Wrong?” In the super long mega song American Pie by Don McLean there is a portion that begins, “Do you believe in rock & roll…” It’s one of the many snips of music lodged in my permanent memory that my mind transforms into one of my humanism hymns.

“Do you believe in Right & Wrong?” is an undying conundrum for me.

If I believe in Right and Wrong then pain is wrong. Accomplishment is right. Busyness & business are right. Indolence, a word that means “not hurting” in its derivation, is wrong, because it has come to mean lazy. Why is lazy wrong? Lying down, lazing about, is deemed immoral. It's no wonder that US Americans burn out and have to be reminded to rest.

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On the next stream 7-10 a.m. on 10-17 maybe I'll explore this subject.


by Rob Middleton. Find me on Mastodon or on the links.
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