Karin Wanderer Learns


Every 2 weeks I post a new art challenge prompt! The new #KWPrompts is #Fall

Watercolor of an orange-brown autumn leaf.

It is the 24th of September & the temperature where I live is in the mid-80's (30° c). I am going to spend the next 2 weeks manifesting the spirit of autumn as hard as I can, & maybe the weather will take the hint. I hope you will join me! Let's spend the next 2 weeks making autumnal art! You can submit a new piece of art every day, work on one piece for 2 weeks, or post them randomly. This is the most laid-back art challenge on the internet, & that means you have plenty of time to make your art however you want. Just make sure you tag me @KarinWanderer so I see it!

Use #KWPrompts #Fall &/or tag me so I can see how you think!

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky Cara

All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed. Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week! Paint & ink on cardboard. A happy ghost is holding a coffee & reaching out toward a falling leaf. Other leaves swirl around, in the air & on the ground.

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Every 2 weeks I post a new art challenge prompt! The new #KWPrompts is #Happy It's my birthday, & I want to know what makes you happy.

Watercolor of a misty grey mountain lake reflecting nearby trees & mountains. Painting makes me happy Embroidered sunflower mandala in yellow thread on grey fabric. Sewing makes me happy Photo of a giant rosemary plant! Gardening makes me happy

I got this rosemary for my birthday! It practically fills my tiny porch. You can submit a new picture every day, work on one picture for 2 weeks, or post pictures randomly. This is the most laid-back art challenge on the internet, & that means you have plenty of time to make your art however you want. Just make sure you tag me @KarinWanderer so I see it!

Use #KWPrompts #Happy &/or tag me so I can see how you think!

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky Cara All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed. Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Every 2 weeks I post a new art challenge prompt! The new #KWPrompts is #Waterscape We've done skies, we've done landscapes, it's time we stop messing about & make some waterscapes! Waterscapes are one of the top subjects in art throughout history & around the world. From watercolor to oil to woodblock print, everyone loves a good waterscape!

Digital art made to look like paper cut art of a speed boat cutting through the water.

Don’t want to limit yourself to already existing waterways? You don’t have to! Make ones nobody has seen before, or ones nobody should ever see! Let’s spend the next 2 weeks thinking about waterscapes!

Minimalist ink drawing: a thicket of reeds growing on the bank of a river.

You can submit a new picture every day, work on one picture for 2 weeks, or post pictures randomly. This is the most laid-back art challenge on the internet, & that means you have plenty of time to make your art however you want. Just make sure you tag me @KarinWanderer so I see it!

Watercolor ocean waves stretch off into the distance, with no land in sight & a shark fin sticking out of the water.

Use #KWPrompts #Waterscape &/or tag me so I can see how you think!

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky Cara

All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed. Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Every 2 weeks I post a new art challenge prompt!

This week I'm running a bit late...

I had 2 goals in mind as I headed into August this year. I wanted to find a new teaching job, & I wanted to participate in every day of the #AuGhost art challenge. Instead, I got COVID for the 1st (& hopefully only) time. On August 1st I felt a tickle in my throat. Since a family member had recently tested positive, we decided to quarantine even though we didn't have positive COVID tests. I am so glad we did- for the next few days I was barely able to get out of bed! I didn't get a positive COVID test until August 3rd. Nearly 2 weeks later, I am still unable to stand for more than 15 minutes without getting dizzy, I have to take frequent naps to get through the day, & in spite of all that I still get so tired I go to bed around 9pm. It's only in the last few days that I have been able to spend enough time out of bed to sit & paint. COVID is no joke, folks! I was a dedicated mask-wearer before I got sick, now I am annoyingly devout. People like to declare COVID is over like Michael Scott declared bankruptcy, but it is going to take work to get out of this mess. Y'all Masking?

So, what does this mean?

Well, I haven't been able to look for a new job. I'm a preschool teacher who can't stand for more than 15 minutes at a time, which means I'm not physically able to work in a classroom. I have degrees in ECE & Early Intervention so I've started looking into other educational options.

Watercolor & ink on brown cardboard. A smiling, blushing ghost is wearing a flower crown. Don't ask how a ghost blushes, she just really loves her flower crown!

But what does this mean for the art challenge?

It's a bit late this week. I think I'm going to finish writing this in time to post on Tuesday like normal, but it's going to be late on Tuesday instead of 1st thing in my morning. Wait, it's already noon?! Ugh, I can't focus on anything these days. OK, here goes...

The new #KWPrompts is #Ghost

Am I essentially mashing up my art challenge with AuGhost? Yes I am. You don't have to! Any & all ghosts are welcome here, except for AI ghosts. Originally I wanted to do a different theme this week while participating in AuGhost simultaneously, but I don't have the energy. Instead I will be trying to fit a full month of AuGhost into 2 weeks. Paint & ink on cardboard. A happy ghost is holding a coffee & reaching out toward a falling leaf. Other leaves swirl around, in the air & on the ground. You can submit a new picture every day, work on one picture for 2 weeks, or post pictures randomly. This is the most laid-back art challenge on the internet, & that means you have plenty of time to make your art however you want. Just make sure you tag me @KarinWanderer so I see it!

Use #KWPrompts #Ghost & tag me so I can see how you think!

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky Cara

All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed. Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week!

Watercolor & ink on cardboard. A smiling ghost knits a web for the spider sitting on her head, waiting patiently. The knitting is embroidery thread stitched through the cardboard and the thread ball sits on the floor below the ghost.

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Every 2 weeks I post a new art challenge prompt! The new #KWPrompts is #Bookmark Side by side photos of 2 books lying open with bookmarks. Left bookmark is decorated with a column of landscapes- foggy, sunrise, sunset, & a highway reaching off toward distant mountains. Right bookmark is decorated with many shrimp. I am new to making bookmarks, so far I only have these 2!

Dog-earing pages is sinful. Avoid evil temptations, let's spend the next 2 weeks making bookmarks!

First photo: A pretty cloth bookmark made of a triangle of dark blue fabric sewn onto a square of light blue swirly fabric. Second photo: the same bookmark marking a page.

You can submit a new bookmark every day, work on one bookmark for 2 weeks, or post bookmarks randomly. This is the most laid-back art challenge on the internet, & that means you have plenty of time to make your art however you want. Just make sure you tag me @KarinWanderer so I see it!

Use #KWPrompts #Bookmark &/or tag me so I can see how you think!

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky Cara

All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed. Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Every 2 weeks I post a new art challenge prompt! The new #KWPrompts is #Landscape Landscapes are one of the top subjects in art throughout history & around the world. From ink to oil to fibers, everyone loves a good landscape! Ink & watercolor painting. High, shadowy cliffs rise on either side,  a waterfall tumbles down more cliffs just ahead. Mountains fill the sky in the distance.

Don’t want to limit yourself to standard Terran environments? You don’t have to! Make Martian vistas, or ones nobody has seen before, or ones nobody should ever see! Let’s spend the next 2 weeks thinking about landscapes! Watercolor landscape in shades of green: pine trees stand in front of forested mountains stretching back into the foggy distance.

You can submit a new picture every day, work on one picture for 2 weeks, or post pictures randomly. This is the most laid-back art challenge on the internet, & that means you have plenty of time to make your art however you want. Just make sure you tag me @KarinWanderer so I see it! Photo of the Tuscan landscape; rolling hills of verdant green under a blue sky full of white clouds.

Use #KWPrompts #Landscape &/or tag me so I can see how you think!

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky Cara

All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed. Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week! Watercolor landscape with sandstone formations rising from the sand under a partly-cloudy sky.

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Hello & Hello Again! We are talking about paints today. I usually avoid mentioning brands, because no one is paying me. Today I need to specify that I use Daniel Smith watercolors. Every brand has their own unique spin on a color- it may be a little cooler, or more transparent, etc, compared to other brands. If you love a shade you see from a specific brand, buy that color in that brand! If you really like a shade but think it could be better, check out that color in different brands! #NotSponsored

Welcome back to our ColorFull series!

Colors have great names. Paint colors doubly so.

Alizarin Crimson. Quinacridone Pink. Isoindoline Yellow. Some paint names make immediate sense, like Sap Green. Some make no sense whatsoever, like Elephant’s Breath. One color I have always wondered about is…

Payne’s Gray

Payne’s Gray is one of my most frequently-used colors. It is an absolutely lovely shade of blue-gray. At its most concentrated it is almost black, which shows more & more blue as you dilute it. It makes for lovely shadows, & nothing matches that blue-black you find in cats’ fur better. I use just a touch of it mixed with other colors all the time. I blend it with other colors so often, in fact, that I had a hard time finding paintings that actually show off the color itself.

A kitten sits on a cliff & reaches for the moon Good thing one of the past #KWPrompts was #Monochrome!

Payne’s Gray was named after William Payne. Although he sounds like an old-timey vampire in a YA novel, William Payne was a watercolor artist. He supported himself by tutoring other watercolorists, & eventually gained a measure of renown. Landscapes were his specialty.

https://cdn.masto.host/mastodonart/media_attachments/files/111/727/285/980/111/415/original/70a15c74c0f2f506.png An alien mountain range full of giant butterflies, as Payne intended.

There are a lot of stories about why, exactly, Payne made his Gray. The most popular one is that he was trying to make a mixer that had a lot of the qualities of black, but was less overpowering. If that was the reason, he certainly succeeded. As I mentioned, I mix & blend with this color all the time! My favorite story is a bit different. It is said that Payne, in his work as a watercolor tutor who specialized in landscapes, got absolutely fed up with having to mix the perfect shade of blue-gray to portray mountains off in the distance. He solved this problem by inventing the perfect color for it! As a teacher, I empathize- anything to cut down on lesson prep.

Payne was a good artist. By all accounts he loved art & he enjoyed teaching others. His paintings are on display in many private & public collections. But his biggest contribution to art was definitely the Gray. Payne’s Gray plays beautiful games with the atmosphere & depth of a painting. It is important to remember that Payne’s Gray loses some of its cool as it ages & becomes a more neutral gray. If you look at his surviving original works, you may not see Payne’s Gray! While Payne’s Gray initially came out for Winsor & Newton watercolors, it is now available in just about every brand & type of paint I could think of to check. I love this color!

This Yellow Robin has Payne’s Gray in its feathers

What’s your favorite color name? Is it the same as your favorite color? Let me know! You can find me everywhere

Tune in on future #ColorFull Tuesdays to learn more!

We’ll be talking about how our ancestors made pigments & what they used them for. We’ll be talking about how we currently make pigments & what we use them for. We’ll be talking about how we physically see color, how we categorize it, & how we organize it. We’ll be getting down to brass tacks & talking about specific colors! It’s going to be a wild ride.

My 2-week #KWPrompts art challenge is ongoing!

We still have another week of the #Sky prompt Check out the #KWPrompts list for more info!

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Every 2 weeks I post a new art challenge prompt! The new #KWPrompts is #Sky

Powerlines, roofs, & treetops are silhouetted against a cloudy sunset sky. The clouds are a dark purple-grey but their undersides are gorgeous swirls of yellow, pink, & purple. Your skies can be any colors you like!

Don’t want to limit yourself to already existing skies? You don’t have to! Make terrestrial skies, or ones nobody has seen before, or ones nobody should ever see! If you live somewhere that allows you to see the stars, please know that I envy you deeply. Let’s spend the next 2 weeks thinking about the skies!

Photo of gorgeous fluffy clouds drifting through a light blue sky over Florence Italy. I’m realizing I have tons of cloud reference & barely any cloud paintings…

You can submit a new picture every day, work on one picture for 2 weeks, or post pictures randomly. This is the most laid-back art challenge on the internet, & that means you have plenty of time to make your art however you want. Just make sure you tag me @KarinWanderer so I see it!

Watercolor/Ink painting of a telephone pole with lots of wires towering over trees. The sun is so low you can't see it. Yellow streaks the sky & pink tinges the underbellies of the heavy grey clouds. Join me in painting lots of clouds!

Use #KWPrompts #Sky &/or tag me so I can see how you think!

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky Cara

All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed.

Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week! I'll save you a search: the title is from a poem by Emily Dickinson

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.

Every 2 weeks I post a new art challenge prompt! The new #KWPrompts is #Bears

Watercolor bear sitting happily next to a clump of ferns. I do not paint bears often

Don’t want to limit yourself to already existing bears? You don’t have to! Make traditional bears, or ones nobody has seen before, or ones nobody should ever see! If you live somewhere that allows you to safely photograph bears, please know that I envy you deeply. Let’s spend the next 2 weeks thinking about bears!

Minimalist watercolor pandas! I practically never paint bears

You can submit a new picture every day, work on one picture for 2 weeks, or post pictures randomly. This is the most laid-back art challenge on the internet, & that means you have plenty of time to make your art however you want. Just make sure you tag me @KarinWanderer so I see it!

Ink painting of polar bears on a snowy background. One bear is sitting upright, the other is sleeping. These may be all the bears I’ve ever painted

Use #KWPrompts #Bears &/or tag me so I can see how you think!

Pick your social & post your art! Mastodon Bluesky Cara

All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed.

Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, see you next week! I'll save you a search: the title is from “Grizzly Bear Blues” by Corb Lund

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

Find me

  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.


As of the day this article is posted, we will be 45% of the way through 2024. Now is a good time for my resolution review! My overarching goal every year is “make better choices than last year.” I have been sticking to that, albeit a bit differently than I planned. Originally my goal had been focused around making the doctors appointments I had been procrastinating, but when I lost my health insurance (woooo! USA! USA!)I needed a new plan. Instead I have been focused on eating better & exercising more- the boring resolutions.

Watercolor Jewel Beetle in iridescent greens & blues. Eat Your Greens

All 5 of my specific goals for 2024 have been focused on art. Here they are, listed in order of what I thought (in January) would be least to most challenging: Let’s See How I’m Doing!

Goal 1: New Art Challenge Approaching!

I wanted to create my own art challenge to see/share other peoples’ art, to entertain people, & to help me stay focused on a single category of painting instead of flitting from one topic to the next at random..

How Am I Doing So Far: Success! Check out #KWPrompts for more info on the current theme (as of this article’s posting, it’s #Plants!) #KWPrompts is the most laid-back art challenge on the internet. You can submit a new picture every day, work on one picture for the whole challenge, or post pictures randomly. You have plenty of time to make your art however you want. Now instead of bouncing from subject to subject without rhyme or reason, I spend 2 weeks on a single theme. I love it!

Digital drawing of a giant shrimp rampaging through a wrecked city, destroying buildings with her atomic breath. The #Cryptid prompt brought us Shrimpzilla, hallowed be Her name

Goal 2: Feature More Artists!

I should have put this goal way at the end with the harder stuff. For my featured artist articles I research the artist, reading everything I can get my hands on that they’ve written (including picture books) & viewing every piece of their art I can get in front of my eyes. (I have a fantastic library network available to me, but having to wait on hold lists makes everything move in fits & starts.) Then I write about the artist & review a few of their picture books before picking a few things from their work to paint myself & accompany the article. It is a labor of love, with a whole lot of love, but also a whole lot of labor. Originally I had thought to interview some artists directly (online), which would reduce my workload a bit. I guess I forgot how bad I am at reaching out & asking for help? I get so anxious thinking about it that I haven’t even made a list of artists I might reach out to.

How Am I Doing So Far: Bad. Trying to research Tomie dePaola – who worked on over 200 picture books – broke me entirely. My featured artists series will continue- but slowly. If there is an artist who you think should be featured, let me know on Mastodon, Ko-Fi, or BlueSky.

Watercolor & ink of a tree surrounded by a grate. Next to it is a green motorized tricycle with a compartment on the front for a child to ride in. Do yourself a favor: read My Beijing by Nie Jun

Goal 3: Expand My Shop

This one is pretty self-explanatory, I want to expand my shop & update it more frequently. How Am I Doing So Far: Success! My Ko-Fi shop has my art available digitally. My Spring shop has useful art on mugs, notebooks, & practically indestructible vinyl stickers for you to stick on other useful things! [A portion of all sales go to help support the LA Food Bank.]

I’m even getting better at updating my shop frequently! If there is a piece you wish I sold, let me know- I will add it & send you a coupon code

Sticker of a black cat with bright yellow eyes painted in watercolor. The cat is a perfect balance of adorable & evil. Imp Cat is waiting for you

Goal 4: Tell Everyone How Awesome Animals Are

News flash: Animals are fantastically wonderfully great, folks. My goal is to get the picture book I have been writing about Marine Animals to the “dummy” (or mock-up) stage! How Am I Doing So Far: OK, but I’ve hit a surprising snag. I paint very small, because I like it & because I have no money to buy more watercolors & paper. Unfortunately, my standard 3x3 inch squares are too small for this project! I need my paintings to be as big or bigger than the picture book page, because you can size something down & have it look nice but that doesn’t work in reverse. I am trying to paint larger pieces & conserve materials at the same time, which leads to me painting lots of small pieces to test things out & then one larger piece to see if the details work on a larger scale. It is quite frustrating to work like this (why yes you can help me, thank you muchly!) I am enjoying the work though, & I’ve gotten a lot done. I am learning so much at every step, & I really love the process.

Watercolor damselfly perched on a stem. Damselflies hold their wings together, dragonflies stretch theirs out to either side.

Goal 5: Touch Grass, Seek Inspiration

I thought this was the hardest goal I’ve set. I want to spend this year experiencing a wider range of art. My plan involved going to Museums, Galleries, Art Fairs, etc., or just walking around outside taking pictures. Why was I thinking this would be the hardest? Because I have agoraphobia.

How Am I Doing So Far: Pretty good, all things considered. I haven’t made it to many museums, because I'm terrible at remembering when their free admission days are, but I have been going out & walking around more. I am very lucky to live in a neighborhood where every building has at least a small yard, & most are full of lovely plants!

Photo of a beautifully round daisy. Whatever works, right?

There we have it- 6 month’s worth of work. Sometimes it can be frustrating, sometimes it feels like I'm making no progress at all. When it gets to be too much I imagine I am running a Couch to 5k. My first goal would not be “run 5k”, or even “run 1k”– it would probably be “stretch really well” or “walk around the block.” It is a good way to remind myself that “slow & steady wins the race.” Also I hate running, so it's always nice to remember I'm actually not training for a 5k. Everything seems easier compared to long-distance running! Perspective is important.

Overall I’ve made decent progress on my goals so far. Touching base halfway through the year is always useful to me. I wonder how much progress I’ll make over the next 6 months!

But enough about me, how are your resolutions going? Let me know on Mastodon, Ko-Fi, or BlueSky! I'll save you a search through a broken engine: the title is from “Pictures of Success” by Rilo Kiley

Get my art on mugs & vinyl stickers in my Shop!

Join us for #ArtABCs, a year-long art challenge!

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  • All pictures posted are my own work.
  • All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.