Are You PuffIn or PuffOut?
The current #KWPrompts is #Seabird. (Find more info about the KWPrompts art challenge here.) My drawings of penguins inspired someone to talk a bit of trash about puffins, saying “Nothing that looks that much like a penguin should be flying. It is morally wrong.” Well, I'm not here to judge morality. I'm here to infodump about puffins & recommend bird art books. Lucky you!
Puffins Are Magic
- Puffins, like the penguins they resemble, are amazing swimmers
- Puffins, unlike the penguins they resemble, are decent fliers. In spite of looking like roly-poly stuffed animals, they can reach up to 55 mph in the air.
- Baby puffins are called pufflings & they are every bit as fluffy & cute as their name implies.
- Puffin bills are serrated, allowing them to hold onto fish they have already caught while grabbing even more. This is why you so often see pictures of puffins with beaks full of fish
- Puffin beaks literally grow a more colorful outer shell during mating season. Afterwards they shed their brightly decorative layers & spend the winter with plain orange beaks.
Good Books for Birds
- Painting Birds: Expressive Watercolour Techniques by Sarah Stokes
- The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds by John Muir Laws (I linked directly to the bird books, but the whole John Muir Laws website is worth checking out. It has lots of free drawing guides & tutorials.)
- I have heard good things about Drawing Birds by Raymond Sheppard but the wait list at the library is so long I have not managed to read it yet.
Join the art challenge!
Use #KWPrompts #Seabird & tag @KarinWanderer so I see it!
Pick your social & post your art Mastodon Bluesky Cara
This art challenge lasts until next Tuesday. You can submit a new picture every day, work on one picture the whole time, or post pics randomly. This is the most laid-back art challenge on the internet, & that means you have plenty of time to make your art however you want.
All art styles & skill levels are welcome- beginner to expert, renaissance painting to rough sketch! No AI, Yes alt text, CW as needed. Have a fantastic day, draw something for my art challenge, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled Tuesday post next week, see you then!
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- All pictures posted are my own work.
- All reviews are my own unpaid & unsolicited opinions.