Toot storm of inspiration about a Regency Punk Story set in the Scholomanse on Jan 02, 2023, 11:53

Oh no no no random idea from a dream,

I have at least 2 WIPs I do not need a third.

I certainly need to stop plotting it out from beyond the dream. #Writing

I've spent about an hour finagleing it in my head.

Fine new idea, you win, There's a page at the back of my writing notebook now! Luckily it's the kind of notebook that has cream and brown sectioned pages. Which lends it self to scene notes, character notes, place notes etc. The spare section at the back is handy. Now pretty please, I'd like my brain to go back to the Nanowrimo plot. Please?

Shakes fist! “you've won this round dream idea!”

There's a girl learning forbidden knowledge dressed as a boy because she's decided she's sick of the boy's nonsense. She's just gone away.

She's learning about stuff where she has to go on an expedition.

He's clueless and wondering where she went. All this from some random weird yoga class dream where there was an argument. Like how?

It was weird, there was some other stuff in the dream, like some engineering type stuff, which is why the girl was around the boy because she was curious about that, then it came to a climax because for some reason he was giving some form of weird yoga class and she was too close and he was mean to her. So she realised he found her irritating and she decided to leave him alone. I feel there's a lot of my teenage subconscious past stuff going on there.

and like now there's some definite trope stuff with her pretending to be her dead brother.

He's never even heard she has a brother and he's like so confused and she keeps avoiding him, because she in no way wants to irritate him again.

I feel like I was way way too invested as a teen in Shakespeare's habit of dressing girls as boys for reasons......

thanks, it's not often I get a dream like that and my brain goes how would this continue?

So I needed to get it down before breakfast somewhere

and now I know what the knowledge is for, the Scholomance, except the devil taking one of the scholars isn't actually the devil, its the portal to a strange world.

I do not need this when I'm trying to serve breakfast!

like I'm in the middle of an inspiration storm.

Which is nice, but I was happy plotting my other story.

But they are both awkward and bless her she just wants to learn, she can't be arsed with courting.

Which is why he thought she was hanging around. Why has this idea suddenly gone regency science fantasy? Is #RegencyPunk a thing?  Well there's a plot sketch 2 pages long now. If there's more I can add to the section.

I know the girl is called Petra now. like such a strong impression. She knows who she is.

She's also the kinda person who's good at slipping away unnoticed. Good timing that.
