Glass coffin notes fragments.

No one ever tells you where the stories came from. They only tell you fragments to explain the props. The glass coffins, the maidens inside them littered about our Forest.

Our forest is beautiful, in the Spring the bright green of young leaf growth with the strengthening light of the sun there's a promise of life. In the Summer the full richness of Oak in full leaf dappling the wood, although in places darker. Autumn brings the rich colours of brown, and red with golden leaves.

Winter is stark and empty the chill of the air with the sleep of the trees.

The maidens still lie there in their glass coffins forever preserved in their beauty as if in sleep. But as long as they are asleep we are safe. In this Forest the coffins have a purpose.

We light a candle for an awoken, when we kill her.

I light this for a friend.

Sometimes an awoken wakes hundreds of years after she fell asleep. No one knows their names, if they loved, who loved them.

We light a candle for all our sisters. I lit one for my mother.

I'm scared. I don't want to sleep, to change.

I don't know what would be a worse fate. Waking with no one to remember me, or for a friend to light a candle in grief.

I loved her.

#GlassCoffin #writing