Notes for Petra from notebook 20230102 after a dream

A girl wearing glasses keeps getting in the way of a young man giving yoga classes.

He accuses her of following around, she is hurt. She decides to not be around him any more since he feels she is stalking him.

For the first few days he feels relief, but then he wonders where she is.

At first she is at the other local classes and he asks her why she stopped yoga. She just looks at him and walks away.

Then she leaves town and hasn't been in the engineering symposiums, he is disquieted. But then he goes back to his University.

A new student is now in some classes, a rather small man. Women aren't allowed at University in this time.

Then pair is assigned together on an engineering task. The boy is there for the bare minimum of time. Not choosing to spend any extra time, talking about his life or interests.

The boy is related to the professor, who also keeps an eye on them both. While the young man wishes to curry favour with the Professor, the Professor is very private of his time.

The University the young man has chosen to attend is the Scholomanse. But instead of the devil taking a Scholar, some one is chosen every decade to go through a portal to never return.

What is on the other side?
