Glass Coffin January Writing wonders fragments.

Writing Wonders Day 1: Introduce yourself and your WIP with a theme song.

I'm a base amateur writer finally starting to put the plots from my head on to the page. The current WIP I am meant to be working on is a varient on Snow White as a warrior turning into a monster, hunting her own kind who've already turned.

This is one of the songs from a playlist I have for that WIP.

Although for my other WIP Kimbras On top of the world's video really encapsulates the driving force for a trapped Goddess kind off. She's perceived as a goddess.

But she's trapped against her will in a magic sword that drinks souls and its getting crowded.

She's kinda the driving reason for the antagonist.

Writing Wonders day 2 — Where do you find inspiration for your stories?

Well I'm currently in the middle of an inspiration storm that came from a very confusing dream. Often the kernels of a story come from a dream I've woken from going how would the dream have continued?

But fairy tales, mythology and history are also very close inspirations. Especially if you can mash them up.

I suspect my teenage reading of science fiction and fantasy played a huge part.

having traveled a little and spent a month in some places far away also helps.

Our different cultures can often feel very alien to each other. The dramas in being the outsider there.

the cool thing about fantasy is that space and time can be mashed up as well. Like you could have a lost kingdom from ancient times disappear into a side pocket dimension, then have folks from another time period come in. Like Knights from the crusades, or from a different culture entirely.

Anything can go.

Plus sadly we also have history to give us an idea with what could happen, with colonization.

Although perhaps the pocket dimension gets other cultures flooding in too, so it's not all one sided.

Although the Knights could also be wounded and pursued so not on top form. It's our playground, so we should play.

Writing Wonders Day 3. What's your antagonist's worse fear?

I think my antagonists worst fear has already happened.

She's lost out on love to her own sister, settled down to slumber in her glass coffin and no one was waiting for after her sleep. She sings in the forest trying to lure the man she loved out there.

It's the same fear her niece the Heroine fears. She can see her own future in her aunt. She fears becoming a mindless monster.

Even the monsters though serve a purpose to protect the land from invaders. Its the price paid the bargain struck with a god.

Their people were fleeing invaders, who'd pushed them from land to land, and at the edge they prayed to their god and a bargain was struck.

With continuous payment. Because its mainly the descendants of the leader that turn. It's usually the women as well.

Some sleep and never seem to wake up. But occasionally one wakes from her glass coffin and hunts.

The forest is littered with glass coffins.

There's an extra tragedy as well, because in most cultures kin slaying is taboo. Mostly the hunters hunt their own kin to protect their society.

But sometimes the gods demand blood as the price for protection.

When the coffin is abandoned, with someone not using it eventually it will break down. Much like Lucy in Dracula even an awakened one uses a coffin as a home, to lure in prey.

You can't tell the difference between a sleeper and an awoken. Both have the appearance of beautiful women sleeping.

There are some coffins that have laid there for nearly a 1000 years.

Occasionally a sleeper wakes and has someone waiting. So the coffin is left. The heroines mother had her father waiting.

I'd say she's a siren. Or at the very least a man eating monster in the forest. Who happens to be able to lure men with song. But once upon a time she was human.

Writing Wonders Day 4 – Describe the sound of your MC's voice.

Well my Male MC has the well spoken voice of a Knight with the kind of accent you end up with from traveling. Often accents do change as you level your dialect. it's a tenor voice, not too high, not too deep.

My female MC, well that's harder to tell. She's well spoken but speaks with a slightly accented voice, given the fact she's on her way to turning into a monster who lures men, who knows if that's what she sounds like?

what does your MC wear on a typical day?

It depends on where she is, out on a hunt she wears warm layers with oiled leather. Stout boots.

At home she wears soft wool and linen. With soft boots. She likes to be warm.

It's always damp in the forest, with the, chill seeping into everything. Although particularly the toes, the moment there's any moisture from exertion it chills.

Luckily it's rare an expedition takes more than a few days. There are some hot pools near her home and bathhouses built there.

She endures the damp and cold until she's back from the hunt.

Writing Wonders Day 6

What is your MC's most treasured posession?

The male MC volunteered for an order that guarded certain artifacts that gave the order economic and political power. Although now the orders been disbanded. With him holding on to the artifacts to keep them away from those in power.

My female MC has a few small keepsakes from her mother. But she's preparing to leave those with family as she will become a sleeper soon. Her equipment for the hunt are tools to her. I do know that it's from her mothers childhood in the forest. Her mother met her father in the forest when they were children. She and her sister were adopted into the town from the forest.

It's interesting looking at the two very different motivations for keeping those possessions.

It opens up questions as to how easily those possessions will be let go off and why. 

I think it definitely gives a window into the minds of those characters at the start of the story.

Writing wonders Day 7: How does your MC deal with stress?

It depends on the circumstances. In the forest the stress of the hunt is limited, she can get through that with training and her team.

The stress at home tends to be worrying about the future. She doesn't do as well with that, she tends to repress it and find other pursuits like historical research from the cultures that have ended up in her home. She is very good at distracting herself till the next hunt.

As for my male MC he's currently very stressed and worried for his brother.

This is rather new to him and he's very confused about the situation. He is finding it hard to think clearly. Now he's in a relatively safe place he's not sure what to do or how he's feeling.

He's stuck in a strange place. Which is stressful. He's distracting himself by focusing on his brother's recovery and finding out where they are.

Writing Wonders Day 8: Name one scent and one sound that evokes pleasant memories for your MC.

The smell of the forest in spring, particularly round the lake with the tree houses. Occasionally she hears her father sing, it brings back memories of her parents singing together in the, springtime as the trees blossomed.

My male MC likes the smell of polish, when he's in downtime he takes care of his armor and equipment . It brings back memories of his novitiate and training. It steadies him.

My male MC likes the sound of hoof beats as he travels to a new place. The motion stilling his worries letting his mind free as he rides.

Writing Wonders day 9 Name one person your MC trusts

For my female MC she trusts 2 people, fraternal twins, they started out in the hunt as part of her team of 7. The twins are the only ones bar their mage who's survived from the beginning of her training.

My male MC trusts his brother the most. His brother risked every thing to save his life by warning him that his order was being disbanded and being tried for heresy.

Writing Wonders Day 10 How would your MC's closest friend describe them?

Withdrawn, sad, drawing away from them. When they started out training was fun, but she's put off her change for years, resisting becoming a sleeper. But the change is pulling her away none the less.

My Male MC's brother knew him as a happy child, he's now getting to know the man the boy became. But in essence he knows he's loyal to his friends and comrades.

#GlassCoffin #writing