Fragments from Rosamundi, one of my WIPs

It's weird the way that when you are in the middle of doing other things, your brain pops up going “I now know what this random character does.”

Like now I know my MC's Father can always hear her aunt sing in the forest, trying to lure him out.

But he's never tempted. Because he heard my MC's mothers song in his head long before he met her. The aunts song, led him to find MC's mother.

But he still listens to the aunt singing.

Need to go and write this somewhere now.

#writing #rosamundi #SwordSoul

#WritingWonders 6.13 — Is there a corruption arc in your story?

OOH yes there is in the sword soul one. Although it's more a mild background one that post story will kill my MC. Well not directly, but she will need to be stopped.

The corruption started when she was small and she kept it at bay for years.