
Diving into passing streams ~ following into expanding realms ~ feel the energy of melting sparks ~ within the eye that cannot be seen

The eye that cannot be seen shines the light of all being and finds within itself expressions and reflections through experience of you and me

Woke up from a fever dream now, resting in the chilling night while echos fading out dissolving what seemed real

casting rays to future shores, all sinking back to black sea while glaring into long gone stars and wonder what will be

shades shifting from black to blue, starting in a seed reaching out to the line of sight where the two ends meet

Fleeing shadows acting out the moves moon lit dreams of day forming the whole of the scene reflecting the evolving play

experience and remembering the true nature of being passing summer breeze within the eye that cannot be seen

Flowing swades over the grass, over dark water and along the hills. awakened swans glide out and announce with pervasive sound

sun rays through the vale over the resting stone sun rays in a white night lighten the tree on the isle

Waving patterns spreading out white haze forming up to clouds. orange green unfolding bright, lifting up to sweeping sight

sun rays through the vale reflected in a golden shine sun rays in a white night lighten the trees on the isle

transformation, effortless, revelation in between the breath. silent awareness of the harmony, transcendent unity

sun rays through the spheres turning into swirling blaze mid night sun dream giving birth to the day

the seer is the light splitting the night, sun birth sight sparkling origin shadows of love pass behind believe to be individually me evoluting in the conscious sea learning to be new possibilities free every moment within all that is eternity

The truth of our self is no thought to tell, no thing to lose, no heaven or hell

and all that appears here in joy and woe creating experience all chances to grow

and all the ways are right to be gone, doubt left to be wrong, who can see all is one?

The power of control lies beyond our hold awakening to realize when we start to let it be

The illusion of control is what we think 'that has to be', letting those thoughts gently pass, re-membering, embracing change, we as one open the gates to the endless possibilities, letting go and being free, wonder of grace, all coming from and back to love and peace

turn, turn, turn away from the weapons of mass distraction

live the day despite the catchers of attention

form and play in the current of the action

release and free the way to the power of creation

include and being here in the flow of intuition

Pegasus – pass the gates, I feel your heart beat, you feel my fate, soon we will elevate

take me far away, I'm on your back just stay on course, for all one is worth

take me fast over hills and rivers into sunburst, we will not reverse

Pegasus – carry on the ground is shaking all along, our line is drawn

my faithful mate, we are riding on the legends trail, moments of aeon

can you see the ledge, the point of no return is reached, the leap into the void

Pegasus – spread your wings, take me to the cradle beyond things, where all begins

take my high and fly with me to the edge of sky, leave the haze behind

here we are at the birthplace of a new star, immersing into glare

conclusions, oh the devil of choice, no matter what, it's the great illusion believing a thought to be true, which is: ..to think to know..

but all the little truths form mind spider thought nets either black or golden threads a self-woven mind maze jest

a model of explanation loop holding back from exploring what can be

cosmic vulcano dream soap bubble errupting blue green mind eye spheres self inducing time bomb shuffle sparkling blinding sun tears

swirling up, helical stream filling up the bowl waves of joy and cry sound fish swarms swimming