Kitchen – Abstract & Minimalism

Week #45 of the famous photo challenge came up with Minimalism. At the beginning of the week, I was quite sure, that this would be not a big deal for me, as I really love minimalism. Something will cross my way... Easy...

Well to be honest, it turned out that the days have passed as quickly as the sand trickles through our hands. And so I found myself late Sunday evening after dinner, sitting at the table. In front of me a flashlight and a small kitchen aid that I bought in the big Swedish shop the other day.

When I found this little treasure (aka garlic press), I took it in my hands and turned it back and forth. I was immediately fascinated by the wonderful clear design and its beautiful mechanics. A decision was quickly made to take it with me, and in the very same moment it was clear to me that I must take a photograph of this beautiful piece of product design and engineering art 😎

Back at the table. Feeling a kind of pressure in the meantime, I started playing around with the flashlight. I placed the press here and there, tried different angles of the flashlight – backlight, illuminating from the front, the side. Finally I turned off all surrounding lights and used the flashlight to illuminate the sieve backlit and placed in its cylindrical holder. When I saw the first shots I felt that I was on track... Well on the track of abstract, but not on the track of minimalism ðŸĪŠ

Warp Drive

Anyway I had quite some fun with this first set and tried out different ideas. But after a short view at the clock I got a little nervous, I must admit. Struggling shortly I turned on the surrounding light again and tried out completely different views at a shorter focal length. My goal was to have this really, really cool mechanics to shine up as the center of the take.

And so I ended up with this shot that I tooted Sunday night – after the deadline to be strict – but who cares 😉

Under Pressure