intro post

Hi, I'm Emil, a guy from Poland. I like art, and dogs, and politics kinda, and computers sometimes. Anything else just comes and goes.

I am not even going to try to predict the kind of topics I could write about. It may be a current hot button issue, it may be my own life, and it may be an obscure and bad piece of media that I swear is actually really meaningful. A lot of this blog is no doubt going to be personal in the most egocentric and insufferable way possible.

I make no promises, regarding topics or regarding activity. Or originality. Or anything else really. As far as anyone's concerned I live under a rock with roughly the same pool of interests and upwards to 3 original ideas that just keep becoming more complex as I grow older.

I don't know how long this blog is going to exist, but I think it's worth noting that any and all opinions are a product of their time, so much older posts may not reflect my current knowledge or views.

Another thing I have to mention is that I have no authority on any topic. I may sound confident, but in the end, I'm just a guy on the internet writing about things. I try my best to not voice uninformed opinions, I try my best to think before I post. That's all I can do really.

So yea
