Transgender Medicine Shield

This post is a supplement to the Mastodon post.

A Pride Shield for two groups simultaneously; transgender people who work in medicine and people who provide gender affirming, medical care and services!

Argent an Asklepian its staff Sable and its snake lozengy Rose and Bleu Celeste.

A nice simple design, using the Asklepian symbol, or Rod of Asclepius, an ancient symbol for medicine. I’ve loosely based the snake on the Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus), which is why it has that little smiley face.

I want to be very clear about this: This shield is NOT a transmed shield, it is a shield for;

Transgender people in the medical field; People who provide gender affirming care and other medical services for transgender people; Anyone who falls into both categories.

My understanding of the term “transmed” is that it is exclusionist which, as previously mentioned, is not what the ACP is for.