Gender Anarchism Pride Shield

This post is a supplement to the Mastodon Post.

On a field per bend sinister Gules and Sable a letter capital A circumscribed by an annulet issuing therefrom disjointed stems of all genders Argent.

Quite a brief blazon for what is otherwise a deceptively complicated design. I will try to explain it below.

The shield is divided diagonally red and black (Gules and Sable) as the flag or banner of anarchism. Over both and largely filling the shield is a complex glyph thus: At its centre the often used symbol for anarchism, a capital A circumscribed by a circle (sometimes described as an O). The circle also acts as that used in many symbols of gender identities, the stems of those symbols being also present and disjointed to achieve plural meanings.

Going clockwise around the glyph: At 12 o'clock a line indicating neutral genders. This is often pendant but here is to chief for clarity. It is framed by the semi-circle of gender fluidity, drawn from the symbol for the planet Mercury or the liquid metal of the same name, aka quicksilver.

At 2 o'clock the customary male arrow, disjointed to include demi-boys. At 4 o'clock the intergender stem unmodified. At 6 o'clock the female cross disjointed for demi-girls, in the same fashion as its male counterpart. At 8 o'clock a circle upon a stem, which I have seen cited as a symbol for other or indeterminate gender identities. Finally at 10 o'clock the stem symbolising transgender identities.

Use here of the term “disjointed” is something of a liberty. The style of rendition indicated is usually associated with heraldic beasts (notably lions) and blazoned dismembered but I did not care for the associations of that word applied to people and also consider it unfitting for an inanimate charge. Disjointed seems an appropriate substitute.