Why Are People Not My Mother All Over My Random Trivial Stuff?
As a follow on to my previous post about treating people by respecting their preferences, I wanted to haz a kvetch about some who take it upon themselves to interfere with other people's non-publicly-impactful, none-of-their-bizniss personal tastes.
Namely, my meal seasoning and condimenting, my sentence comma-ing and, so oddly specific and random, my pizza pineappælising all seem to trigger completely unaffected people into fiercely invested tantrums just to grab my preferences by the hair and yank them all the way out through my butt.
Wtf! Why, random people, why do you care so much about my [insert random none-of-your-dam-bizniss triggers here]??
99.99% of me is fine with others eating what I don't, having tastes/preferences I don't, and doing things I don't. Those things affect me Not. At. All.
The vigorous aggression some habitually express for unpineapple'd pizza vs pineapple'd and the Oxford Comma? I haz a confused.
Pineapple: Go on, eat it on pizza and burgers. I don't. So what?
Oxford Comma: Go on, use it everywhere you want. I use it sometimes, other times not. So what?
Cilantro/Coriander Leaves: Go on, use them everywhere you want. My taste buds say “Bleurrghh”. I like the whole seeds though. So what?
Brown Sauce: Go on, use it as much as you want, everywhere you want. I'm not a fan, I prefer gravy. So what?
The impact of our variations on each others' lives?
Zed Eee Are Oh, Zee Row, Z. E. R. O.
So why care what I do? Why, why??
Please kindly extract yourselves from my butt and leave my seasoning, garnishing, condimenting, pizza pineappælising and comma punctuating strictly alone, kthxbye.
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