Old News: Dudes Misuse Private Messaging

Yet another problematic thing you do, dudes: why, oh whyyyy do you thread-reply a perfectly safe-for-work message … AS A PRIVATE MENTION?

Wtf, do all dudes confer as sperm to ensure all of you do the exact same bullshit?!

Ok, I haz a

Noo Roole:

• Unannounced • Private Mentioned • Thread Replies • WILL Get You Blocked

I decline to enable you to • hide how you treat me • take my replies away from public view where I want them

That shit is problematic as fuck and I won't enable it, full stop.

  • Your treatment of me WILL remain public.
  • My thread replies WILL stay publicly readable.
  • Other thread contributors WILL remain included in our exchange.
  • So if you want otherwise I cordially invite you to kindly fuck all the way off kthxbye.

    Ugh, shitstains.

    Ok I didn't know that rant was there. I feel better now.

    _____________ Fankyoo for reading! <3

    You can discuss this and any of my other posts, and find more of my extra diverse thinky thunks over on my Mastodon.

    See you there! [insert happy wave emoticon here]