I Write As I Speak — Do You?

Random Thinky Thunk:

I've often been told by surprised people that I speak just like I write.

I've known many who wrote very differently to how they spoke, and that always confuses me because whyever would they?

I haz a super strong feeling that people who write differently to how they speak do it to conceal critical truths.

In my experience the bigger the difference between someone's speech and writing, the more they are concealing.

This is something I consider from time to time.

End Thinky Thunk.


Further Random Thinky Thunk:

I support anyone's right to delete their own posts.

I also support my own right to judge frequent bulk post deleters as

• valuing their own words near/at Zero — too poorly to keep

• posting words too carelessly to stand by long term, valuing future views for reference near/at Zero

And since many ActivityPub platforms include anti-datamining protections (eg search & scrape blocking), the bulk post deletion anti-datamine defense accuracy rating also scores near-Zero.

_____________ Fankyoo for reading! <3

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