I Haz Agrees With Science

I agree with science that:

Meticulous Social Distancing And Masking (FFP2 NR single use disposable or reusable with disposable PM2.5 filter inserts), is critical to stopping CoVid19, which is way better for us all

Fewer Firearms And Bullets Means fewer firearm-related casualties, which is far better for us all

Weapons Manufacturers Staying way away from politics, ceasing their political bribery, and keeping their dark moneyed lobbying mouths shut; all that is by far better for us all

Anyone who believes differently May feel free to •  disregard •  ignore, •  mute, •  unfollow and/or •  block me;

and to be •  disregarded, •  ignored, •  muted, •  unfollowed and/or •  blocked by me;

And that's prolly best for us all kthxbye.

_____________ Fankyoo for reading! <3

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See you there! [insert happy wave emoticon here]