Bottom line about WriteFreely

We are finishing our stay on #writefreely, so it's time to summarize our experience. You can find information about our trip over here:


We really liked the minimalistic design. The draft view is very distraction-free and easy to understand. You can customize the looks of your blog via CSS, but you don't have to, and the default design is very simple and modern. This was also very motivating to just get started and write something!

A huge plus for @piko was the markdown syntax, because everything is better with markdown.

It was very easy to set up and get going. For people who don't have (and don't want to set up) their own blog, this could be a great option.

Right now, we can't remember how easy it was to show images in the blog posts. It is possible, but @piko thinks that it wasn't possible to upload them to the WriteFreely server – you had to upload them somewhere else, @piko thinks.


You can follow blogs from Mastodon and react to blog posts, but you can't really interact from WriteFreely with these reactions, so you need an account on a platform that allows comments to join the discussion about your post.

Next stop

Find out about our travel route at and!