Magical Doremi Ep 1


0306 📸 Yoshihiko Umakoshi really does has this way of doing cute-sinister. Which is kinda funny considering the overall tone of this show is going for.

Our Heroine; has all of three seconds “casting a spell” in that way eight year olds do before we see her pain-in-the-ass (as presented) sister mocking her attempts at luck and her parrents getting into domestic squabbles. I wonder if this is supposed to be a grounding moment. To bring Doremi to the audience's level. Recons herself the un/luckiest beauty (bishojo) in the world. Which is funny.

0818 (Dood singing in tone to mock Doremi) I'm going to hate this kid.

1021 Given getting caught as a witch is the biggest taboo in Da Rules and comes with such an awful penalty. Why did this dipstick think it was a good idea to cosplay as one?

Brilliant scene composition of this scene (The “You're a witch!” scene)

“You have to take responsibility!” says the person COSPLAYING AS A STEROTYPICAL WITCH!

Rika here threatening Doremi with a good time.

There is exactly one braincell in Doremi's head and its a superball.

I mean. Sure. Conjore Steak. Why not? (Hate to have been the cow it came from)

These guys kinda suck at teaching, letting Doremi go all willy nilly on the mp

2150 : Being fair, she was running around dressed as a witch. Not exactly Clark Kent.


There is exactly one braincell in Doremi Harukaze's head. And its a superball. Ok, thats not a fair statement; the episode did a fairly good job at illustrating that Doremi is a normal eight year old girl. Most eight year olds are preternatural dipsticks with parents who probably need a weekend away from each other, (possibly) a bratty younger sibling, and enough energy to power a small town via treadmill. Also Rika is not the master of disguise she thinks she is and her being outed for a witch was always a matter of “when”, not “if”.