Through His Seraglio
CW: non-consensual sex, corruption, mind-control, drug use, kidnapping, nudity, enslavement, links to pornsites Series: Jumpchain Darmani
January 17, 2022
Copyright © 2022 Darmani. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.
Idea, description, and fantasy of a place of mind made real by cobbling parts and power through worlds elsewhere Many references to other works, mostly public domain or popular
Inspired by/using Jumpchain as basis
Imagine a no place between clusters of various lights, winking starburst of knucklebones, peeling orbs whirring in a band of a void that’s churning smooth like caramels or pudding in a commercial with color shading from beige to charcoal. On one level of this cosmic carousel we can make out two shapes with exquisite human voices but unusual silhouettes.
Hey, waiting to import?
“Oh, yeah. Rare get to do this outside of my own cohort and storage, just wait in a hub. Tell stories of travels.”
Hmm, do it all the time, guess just have the right Jump-chan
“Or, maybe our Benefactor- or factors- in the mood to let you. Or made and keep you here for this purpose?”
What! No, look I am real, like you. A Jumper.
“Sure, we’d know with our totally inviolable minds, right?”
I made sure, and never use such- whoa you do?
I mean…seriously. what type of si…I mean what influence you do? You use “low control” mind control, perks/powers that, at best, makes people more cooperative or sympathetic to you?
“All sorts. When I went to the world refined for Generic MC my control method was “via resonating positive energy” from my previous time in Jojo’s.”
So touch-based induction with solar vitality aspected reishi?
“I…have a thing for it. Generally limit to necessary, willing, or acceptable targets.”
What non-skeevy stuff could do?
I experiment on minds, communicate with a touch, retrain, teach, and, as my version included “physical,” its a cheap and easy way to grant all the body mods to followers.
That’s the OTHER thing. I make people into followers so open companion slots. Also heal and restore minds with deprogramming But also well….
But also
In a secret door there is a book in this book is a hidden facility. there is an apocalypse hardened and proofed lab, built by my strongest abilities and regularly updated. but the hosted machine, while formed with the finest components looks…well the design aesthetics are so old.
I enter it ever so often.
Inside the illumination is an alluring glow filling the air, scented of hearth and entertainment which shades to purple throbs in the architecture- Its all halls, then stairs, then atriums,
Maybe you will see a cut gothic breach to the outside to a views-cape most primal and enrapturing.
more personalized themes maintained by automatons or… no they are pages and catamites in orientalist or pulp illustrators garb. censors and braziers are about producing colored and enchanting smoke and some of the wallpaper- or frescoes or carvings –
have throughout a canvas vine with shades all the colors of olives and grapes seeming to merge in and out of them to the actual place while attached with strange charms to turn the vibrating, industrial quantities, of not-electricity coarsing through their axil, traversing the tendrils to sound… pleasing. This energy filling-in-subtle the tile and brickwork designs complected of half sacred geometry, half runes, half arrays or circuits meeting into the U or is it or a horseshoe? was that one… no they are over every entrance, touching or wreathed by every one of the vines or connected to by the lines of the “circuits.”
You think and, like a magic-eye picture or holographic card, the walls shift to striations and rivulets. Humming while still, the sounds of the structure throb like the rhythms and vibrations of living muscle or organs. Exposed directly, the structure feels like an embrace, laying against a wall is as in His Lap,the Lord of The…
You shake your head. A minor induced fancy, but its not pure deception. more like an augmentive overlay, only its, like, in your head. It wasn’t just your vision. You Smelt The Lord. Felt His Savor on your skin, in the air or His Steps ring your soles. Hear His departed words, laughs, songs, or cries. Its like a bed or blanket waiting to catch you as you tire of bouncing about on or yoked under it before doze.
Its low level teaching you things. You can learn better. You could shorten and clarify what on offer to hear as you see, with an intuitive grasp of the coloring telling which and what amount of, the candied pills in dishes throughout. The fume is causing a savoring in your mouth. Somehow making it moist and wet but hot and fuzzy, but also not unpleasant.
Many voices, sharp, soft, thick, thin, all filled with invite and shared belonging echo from the habitants in their personal quarters; or some of the shared auditorium like rooms they gather in for practice. Some of the statuary shifts,
Tumblr-l-914337809476986maybe just out the corner of your eye,louvre-michelangelo-slave-2louvre-dionysusor is it another optical illusion just as their and this place’s intention is ‘heard’
So many ateliers or studios, labs, solars, or garths. Arcades with open doorways seem to lead to whole other places; one which is like a university- by way of a portrait – writing room, or; some times; fading and shading pool walls. vases of various growing things abound as walk inner halls and all manner of themed servants intermit. Some living, some not, though no rot though there was one surprisingly dapper skeleton in Little Boy Fauntleroy style outfit.
You may take a sample of food or drink from Skele-roy’s tray. And the candied medicine in dishes remedies most common ailments and raises all vigor and vitality, as you now know
Voluptuous Ones pass by, some with clear tied baby-fist-sized bags in hand that are, almost quaintly, low circulation style, stenciled “Cherub Crunch” They pass munching greedily plumping but not detracting from their large bodied appeal and charm.-Almost cow-eyed but so enrapturing in their appeased countenance. They are residents, if not Beloved of the Lord
- * *
Your skin is oiled now. You do not hunger but you have mouth craving. your eyes agog at all seen and even now appreciate the aesthetic. And you just feel GOOD, at the least a lack of care or worry or ache. Oh you fear sitting, for being lost in the embrace of the very place and never meeting His flesh and blood presence- that must be what happened to the incongruous sculptures/inner gargoyles. Its just you do not tire or ache or even feel…panic or sharp anxiety at being lost, just aware you are and want direction. But you, if not frightened by it, do not care for the price of plying learning within you. You want to hear words from lips to your ears, see gestures in peristyle. hold a map. The candy does have price and some side effects. You know. There are, side(?)-effects. Just smelling and being in the place causes “side effects.” But, maybe to scare or entice, the leading phantasm won’t tell you how the pills will prepare or alter you, just they will and the effects can build up until… well but that would be telling and you can know… if you take them. Maybe light blue? Or simple nut colored? Or some canary sweets?
Some concert draught in the rooms passed have active looms with appraisers or just audience. Robed… maybe ladies… of healthy if not absolutely painted and perfected look form clothing or tapestries, the act as much an art as the product with their weaving and interposing about their room-jacquard. You know if you asked they would make you perfectly high quality clothes; ever so swiftly yet slowly; wrapping, twining, spreading, interlacing, forming in a whirl that is too fast and but agonizingly slow to draw the mind into the world of the making of the weave.
One visitor, they’ve been here so long clearly said from the depression in their seat, though their hair and nails neat, is happily awaiting such a gift while charitably attended. Its the apprentice modiste et couturier, barbs hair and nails or grooms the body them as he or she waits. Like any good beautifier in the concern, the veiled liegeman makes soothing conversation, conveys learning, thoughts, and feelings. It makes the waiting one seem content but sharpens their eyes. when a mirror shown they are agitated, as if sudden blocking view of a critical broadcast, but the apprentice is so good, or just so familiar with the guest now, they know what to do with no parting of lips, just sloughing at the forehead and cheeks, the groomer rubs or tugs or cuts and the guests further refined, embellishing the hairline, ears, complexion, nostrils, ocular shape…
That could be you, but you know would lose so much time and couldn’t, so indigent in this hall’s specie, rush awaiting free gift of wardrobe. Perhaps a Loved Resident will gift you something. Many pursue all arts or crafts here between The Lord’s visits and tasked to be generous with their surfeit
The Seraglio itself is deep primal sensuous almost life-form, but it’s its residents who are beings; attuned, educated, cared for, and practicing, in personal pursuit to be living works of art, support, and entertainment for the Lord. He loves His collection. Always bringing something to add or refine the very locale, then all inside. Even fulfilling fervent shopping lists like for youth, someone’s winter of their fourth year, heart of a brute, brain-scans of a hundred addicts, or any peculiarity for His harem inside; pursuing their hobby research or artwork.
- * *
To visit it is like being exposed to an instruction machine in the arts of desires, fantasy, passion, and alteration as inclined by me. Many LOVE to seduce fellow, visiting, or other classes of cohabitants. Everyone feels love thanks to the many and enhanced psychic/life-force galvanized Love Magnets indented in every arch (which had its effect studied and customized to draw and irrigate and focus and charge, much like actual magnetism, through any worked metal or positive and romantic images or artworks, even songs or dances
I’m looking to see about installing Dreaming Couches or a personalized sand land, but avoid a centralized intelligence or mother brain of the place, though many tinkerers and craftsmen, at recruitment or developing so from their apprenticeship or education, have made personal such units or features for their own or a just 'experimental’ wings. Though encouraged to meet certain aesthetic themes for their general area or prove themselves worthy of own quarters or wings, inhabitants can personalize and fill as like for certain 'developments.’ All residents wear some jewelry. more than a few have heart shape crest/brands on their body. Some been given direct neural tuning or more in experimentation or just to further my or other residents’ practice. To reside a year in the place without learning how to use Amestrian and Evermorian utilitarian alchemy is functionally impossible, if not receiving a ‘no ailments’ level of bodymod and powerful emotional indoctrination to bias for me and mine and my hobbies and likes. Even if not know will feel as if my fetishes and interests and hobbies makes sense to learn and residents or frequenters are never disgusted by them. Even if not your favorite thing, say custard pie, will be able to enjoy it. Taboos and inhibitions mute. Like what happens in Vegas or in a masquerade or secret identity.
The more you directly learn the more a copy of you or more accurately a profile is transcribed by the psychic construct based on Hermit purple that’s a mystical psychic nerve and circulatory system of the seraglio. How you think, if not necessarily what, is quickly figured out and a trace begun. once you first start ‘feeling’ the place and if you use it for powers it records you including what thought and felt and always has just close enough the option to just dump your memories. This helps make it so can study you from afar or records and have a reference for undoing if need to pull you out and return you so can see how change you and what in detail…depending on preference.
summoning or dreamwalking to the Seraglio is possible but discouraged as formed of my esoteric and dangerous magics not least due untempered-enough lovecraftian origins though other loose and soft but risky means exts. Reinforced with Power Stars, Moons, and Shine sprites harvested or created and tuned for the purpose to help, however NSFW, things stay, sort of, wholesome or at least recoverable and adding the Mushroom Kingdom loose association with mortality is obtained. As an example, the worst addiction tends to be is “soft” as to all your psyche collapses and you become memetic crack addict. Good idea as between my parties and making almost any sf themed porn story on Gayspirals, EMCSA, if not real a source for than inspiration if not raiding a less harmful copy or principals since got “Gates of Imagination” from Generic Childhood and Power Perversion Potential and Hot for Teacher there are all sorts of strange effects dispensed through food, drugs, fairy magic, sexually transmitted ‘diseases’ or curses and effects in the place with some permanent carriers. who are encouraged to practice safely or at least inform partners and never, without their initiative, engage with first time guests or invites without informing them AND seeking my or a proxy’s permission –. Saturation in parts is so intense you might mutate into an exaggerated furaffinity fetish escapee just from coming in the wrong entrance.
the shine sprites balance and ameliorate that. As well has help with compatibility. In addition to enabling communication and understanding along with development and empowering across language or other divides. You may learn anything the more you submit and give and subborn yourself.
Make a gift, become a gift, take a gift, but share a gift.
Negative effects for power uses are often neutralized when attempted here. Your own more… well amorous and romantic themed imaginations or thoughts I’d be interested are empowered, made stronger than all other thoughts …that is they will be golden filigree if the rest normally churn like plumbing/gutter runoff
That effect is often being tweaked, room to room, wing to wing, time to time, person to person (for who is exceptional).
It doesn’t directly trap you. If you with full determination walk in any direction seeking an exit you will at least draw the attention of a servant obliged to take you out, though may offer a token of remembrance, or brochure to act as proof or a guide. Maybe take a number or contact information to make contact later. Chances are if started a profile longe-range sympathetic magics can be attempted and employed with you. At the least its easy for me to dream-walk to you using you as a waypoint or unwitting informant/leak while…subverting you against your evil or antagonistic loyalties or employers.
Guests tend to also be given a subconscious inclination. Nothing serious, just see the trip as private. Barring serious concerns or events only strongest, if seeking police retaliation, will be seized. Sue, or non-officially investigate, all you like, but even if it’s creepy it’s thrilling
Example of a product of these actions and place:
A companion prefers, with his wife, to do the vampire/svengali thing, seducing neighbors or students to swing or something. as ‘feed’ or affect them, change them, into confident beautiful sexual predators or slaves, or etc. Really enjoys the hobby with his civilian import life, usually not “close” to the plots even if in town. But adores me and shares his little projects. Loves him the crushed velvet/velour robes and vampire presence. Not really about the blood drinking. He’s pale intense seducer of the not so innocent or curious. Not serial murderer. but with his charisma and light psychic (vibe, aura, resonance with more one on one deep dives with dream walking and working from mesmerism) abilities along with years of experience? He never gives himself too much away even if doesn’t get them.