Darmani Creative Activities Workshop
Former head of the Hokage has 3 forms. His super elder living one, a young vital man, and spiritual fire dragon form from each of the distinct phases of his original “life” and world. All enhanced aesthetically and bodily. Koku is short with more casual posture, plump with muscle, but still very limber or swift, as befits the ninja craftsman.
Left side
Canon forms or offical guidelines
A peak of each of his canon forms. Young in the center, aged in the bottom corner, with his fire dragon spirit form in the upper corner
Model sheet from his Pachinko game design
His aged form
Is surprisingly virile and tight, roaring with the fire of vigor, genius, passion, or the forge and kiln and invention within his skin.
His younger form
stands straighter, but more fireplug, takes after Kiibo of Tough/Shootfighter Tekken
*Easier look at younger Koku or Kiibo as I call him
His lost right eye
may be replaced by an iridescent opal or an expressive brown-rimmed iridescent coke lens (like Bubbles’s from the Trailer Park Boys, or a Magikoopa’s eyeglasses but radiant/colorful) with no hook or chain attached but it still holds where his hand last places it. The lids or lens can flex squeeze and keep features of the eye and surrounding parts like an expressive Spider-Man mask or Duckman’s glasses. The monocle can be placed or hung in mid air to see from any position out either side/end by Koku.
Dragon form
is still one-eyed with his eye's sclera like the iron core of a sun with contrast color for pupils so on. Show his his body shifting in solidity and hue the farther from the “core” until his see-through serpentine form wreathed in a clear with white edges blaze.
Possible inspiration https://ibb.co/album/t3c6pP
The concept of a new ever expanding and evolving puzzle weapon, a Kougan Anki Two Point Oh to go with his second life of uncapped impractical research, debauchery, hot bodies, and adventure. Very rough writing here as it is more a collection of ideas and concepts
It starts most resembling the half oval “Sword of Sparda” from Devil May Cry franchise with a Magikoopa rod stuck in it. Its a combination of black or grey, white or silver, and rose or pink coloring and supposedly shifts with the shapes/parts that compose it to make more and new forms. The final one is a callback to Kogan Anki's Mu form. The pieces surround in a vortex maw to consume what aimed or willed at and then build a new form/style/etc for the weapon out of its targets.
It would be impractical, even for the weaponsmith ninja, if he were not so aged and practiced with it and usually only keeps to one or two forms in use, some rather specialized and redundant or situational. But they are fun to visually conceive, then design and assign powers/capabilities to.
1st Sword of Sparda or spring blade with dark and rose colors kamek-like magic rod/gada integrated
Add magic rod to it
2nd Form Large ball and chain. Spiked? Mouth? liúxīng chuí. Morgenstern, Mace & Chain, Flail,
3rd form Bident Scissors, Sasumata, Manclipper, U-hookstaff, Creature Spade, Critter hoe
4th form BuzzSAW and Tonfa (sounds and looks like MG 42 )
5th Choppers (Pac Man weapon pet/drone)
6th Giant returning Onzil (maybe same above)
7th Shearing Vambrace/Ironfan+Lantern Shield
8th Pavisse and Saif, Harpe and Kote
9th Comet Maul
10th Star Warscythe
11th Surf-shield
12th Bull-Rook, Winged-mantlet (pavisse or tower of a bull’s face, wings of sides for rushing tackle/charge
13th Shoulder-mounted blade arm that fires darts called Ram(Cutlass, Dragoon, M1, Rapier, SAW, Tomahawk). Or Stinger
15th Bow (forward and beneath, surfs through snow, mud, water, sand, and other difficult terrain)
16th Blazing Ram, Chariot Cutter, Clipper (slide cover shielding, upside down front/bow of a boat)
17th Battle worn form, MAC-Cuirass fires short range in front looks like Mac jacket. Or produce MAC-10 in hand to focus the fusillade.
18th BrontoBallista (loads and throws anything, fixed in place but can pivot and angle.)
Diagram how arranged
19th Brolliequinox an umbrella with Yami one side Solar Flare on the other with expanded can take other umbrellla forms, swallow EM (light) and emit it as well as be reflector, hypnotizer, glider, copter, flying platform and do any other “tricks of umbrella” including yokai of the karakas, which it easily dominates.
Umbrella canopy
Solar Flare
Blend or take elements from this to Yami
“tricks of umbrella” to consider not exhaustive
20th Its version of Mu could be N E 1
M1 Et Cetera /M1ETC
Moichidoもう一度 or 1M or “one more”
Concept there? open form, eats and assimilates compatible things when surrounds. And reforms on arm or where and which form Koku directs it
Any one
Or Me Eats
Basically need wordplay with M1 so be the ultimate nothing and everything form
But I think that’s beyond the scope of this channel.
Former head of the Hokage has living, young, and spiritual form from each of the distinct phases of his original life and world. All enhanced aesthetically and more. He is short with more casual posture, plump with muscle, but still very limber or swift, as befits the ninja craftsman.
His aged form is surprisingly virile and tight, roaring with the fire of vigor, genius, passion, or the forge and kiln and invention in his skin.
His younger form stands straighter, but more fireplug, takes after Kiibo of Tough/Shootfighter Tekken
His right eye is now intact but unusual in some way in each human form. 1 eyed still in dragon form.
Possible inspiration https://ibb.co/album/t3c6pP
Each of his canon forms. Young center, aged bottom corner, spiritual fire dragon upper corner
Younger canon form
Muscled shorties
Kiibo, any resemblance? Use to influence redesign of younger form.
Young Koku/Kiibo influences or references
Canon anime screenshot
インスパイアの可能性 https://ibb.co/album/t3c6pP
[1° forma anziana Fatto]
L’ex capo dell’Hokage ha una forma vivente, giovane e spirituale di ciascuna delle fasi distinte della sua vita e del suo mondo originale. Il tutto migliorato esteticamente e non solo. È basso, con una postura più disinvolta, grassoccio e muscoloso, ma ancora molto flessibile e veloce, come si addice a un ninja artigiano.
La sua forma invecchiata è sorprendentemente virile e tesa, ruggente con il fuoco del vigore, del genio, della passione o della forgia e del forno e dell’invenzione nella sua pelle.
La sua forma più giovane è più dritta, ma più focosa, come Kiibo di Tough/Shootfighter Tekken.
Il suo occhio destro è ora intatto, ma in qualche modo insolito in ogni forma umana. 1 occhio ancora in forma di drago.
Possibile ispirazione https://ibb.co/album/t3c6pP
Ciascuna delle sue forme canoniche. Giovane al centro, invecchiato nell’angolo inferiore, drago di fuoco spirituale nell’angolo superiore.
Forma canonica giovane
Pantaloncini muscolosi
Kiibo, qualche somiglianza? Utilizzare per influenzare la riprogettazione della forma giovane.
Schermata dell’anime canonico
COMPANION: Koku “de Hokage”
Sex/Gender: Male
Relationship(s): Self proclaimed pervy old man retiree and swinger of group, not above wagering or paying in sex. Quite the rolling stone but frequent with the older members, Zelda, the McCoys, and other researchers and craftsmen of the cohort. A very eager participant in reverie and genuinely reveres and fascinated by Samgreus as man and god and so on.
Ronaldo is his kohai and uses him for romantic schemes or partying on occasion
Klyntar: Name Urushi, grey smokey smudges or cloudiness overriding the otherwise lacquered red-orange, gold, or black forms made like bells and plates of perfectly set pottery or earthenware with smooth finish. Emits a toxic bubbling foamy substance against fire and can even survive and preserve host in lava or an inferno. While rigid it is extra vulnerable to sound or vibration conducted to it but “deaf” to that through air.
Patronus: An Ur-Badger, traits of all badgers in complete positives.
Weapons: Red Candle from Hyrule that holds a tiny flame that never goes out and can have its fire drawn from indefinitely. Otherwise forms weapons with his own powers and symbiote and has blank madogu crystals to inscribe and then enchant a weapon if necessary. Does tend to replicate Kogan Anki individual forms but picks tool for the job
Stand: Rod it All Night Long(or less provocative and shorterStewart Highway)
Personally Created based on own spiritual Abilities after some time observing and trading others to develop his own.
LiaH is effectively Heaven’s Door only due to spiritual nature Koku fires HIMSELF into the person and can read, and rearrange, even burn things. Allowing access to anyone and anything’s “inner world” though some more active and defiant than others. Also can only reside until next sunrise or sunset and its not impossible for someone to notice or draw from him while he is within. This also allows him to “fire” himself ala Casshern or similar to a point. Air kanji, reading or seeing something his wrote or painted, touching him or his works makes you a valid target to zap into
Intelligent Device: A Mirror that can float, roll up any surface and expand and contract in proportions, Can archive anything reflected in the mirror, even inner contents but can only reproduce light constructs or holograms cheaply unless absorbed it or appropriates other matter or some other means of creating more solid things.
Has multiple others to allow and aid him in forging and manufacture of magical tools and even devices.
For Giants/Kaiju/Large target Strategies: Teleport and fire a photosphere hot laser the size of an mma octagon in his most aged form. In his augmented youth he has lower top speed and strength than unlocked jumper but doesn’t tire, has much higher acceleration or torque and ninja skills. Has a giant 1-eyed fire dragon form. if needs to meet the brobigdan. That one does have vulnerability to Supernatural cold or holy or purifying/white magic effects. Not good at touching or talking
COMPANIE: Koku “de Hokage”
Geslacht/Gender: Mannelijk
Relatie(s): Zelfbenoemde perverse oude man met pensioen en swinger van de groep, die niet boven het wedden of betalen in seks staat. Nogal de rollende steen, maar frequent met de oudere leden, Zelda, de McCoys, en andere onderzoekers en ambachtslieden van de cohort. Een zeer gretige deelnemer aan mijmeringen en oprecht vereerd en gefascineerd door Samgreus als mens en god en zo.
Ronaldo is zijn kohai en gebruikt hem bij gelegenheid voor romantische plannetjes of feestjes
Klyntar: Naam Urushi, grijze smokey smudges of troebelheid die de anders gelakte rood-oranje, gouden, of zwarte vormen als bellen en borden van perfect gezet aardewerk of aardewerk met gladde afwerking overschaduwen. Stoot een giftige borrelende schuimachtige substantie uit tegen vuur en kan zelfs overleven en gastheer blijven in lava of een inferno. Terwijl hij stijf is, is hij extra kwetsbaar voor geluid of trillingen die naar hem worden geleid, maar “doof” voor dat via de lucht.
Patronus: Een Ur-Badger, eigenschappen van alle dassen in volledig positieve zin.
Wapens: Rode kaars uit Hyrule die een klein vlammetje heeft dat nooit uitgaat en waar hij onbeperkt vuur uit kan halen. Vormt anders wapens met zijn eigen krachten en symbiote en heeft lege madogu-kristallen om een wapen in te schrijven en vervolgens te betoveren indien nodig. Heeft de neiging Kogan Anki individuele vormen na te bootsen, maar kiest gereedschap voor de klus.
Stand: Rod it All Night Long (of minder provocerend en korter Stewart Highway)
Persoonlijk gecreëerd op basis van zijn eigen spirituele vermogens, na enige tijd anderen te hebben geobserveerd en verhandeld om zijn eigen vermogens te ontwikkelen.
LiaH is in feite de Hemelpoort, maar door zijn spirituele aard vuurt Koku ZICHZELF in de persoon en kan hij dingen lezen, herschikken en zelfs verbranden. Hij geeft toegang tot de “innerlijke wereld” van iedereen en alles, hoewel sommigen actiever zijn dan anderen. Hij kan ook alleen maar blijven tot de volgende zonsopgang of zonsondergang en het is niet onmogelijk dat iemand hem opmerkt of uit hem put terwijl hij binnen is. Dit stelt hem ook in staat zichzelf tot op zekere hoogte “in brand” te steken, zoals Casshern of iets dergelijks. Lucht kanji, iets lezen of zien wat hij heeft geschreven of geschilderd, hem of zijn werk aanraken maakt je een geldig doelwit om in te zappen.
Intelligent apparaat: Een spiegel die kan zweven, elk oppervlak kan oprollen en in proporties kan uitzetten en inkrimpen, alles kan archiveren wat in de spiegel wordt weerspiegeld, zelfs de inwendige inhoud, maar alleen lichtconstructies of hologrammen goedkoop kan reproduceren, tenzij hij het absorbeert of zich andere materie of een ander middel toe-eigent om vastere dingen te maken.
Heeft meerdere anderen om hem toe te laten en te helpen bij het smeden en vervaardigen van magisch gereedschap en zelfs apparaten.
Voor reuzen/Kaiju’s/Grote doelwit strategieën: Teleporteer en vuur een photosphere hete laser ter grootte van een mma octagon in zijn meest verouderde vorm. In zijn vergrote jeugd heeft hij een lagere topsnelheid en kracht dan ontgrendelde jumper, maar wordt niet moe, heeft een veel hogere acceleratie of koppel en ninja-vaardigheden. Heeft een gigantische 1-ogige vuurdraak vorm. als hij de brobigdan moet ontmoeten. Die is wel kwetsbaar voor bovennatuurlijke kou of heilige of zuiverende/witte magie effecten. Niet goed in aanraken of praten.
COMPANION:コク “ド “ホカゲ”
性/性別 男性
クリンタル: 漆のような赤やオレンジ、金や黒の漆塗りの形が、鈴や皿のような陶器や土器で滑らかに仕上げられ、灰色の煙のようなにじみや濁りがあります。火に対して有毒な泡状の物質を発し、溶岩や地獄の中でも生き残り、宿主を保存することができる。硬質であるため、音や振動には弱いが、空気中の音には「聞こえない」。
スタンド: ロッド・イット・オール・ナイト・ロング(または、より挑発的で短いスチュワート・ハイウエイ)
インテリジェント・デバイス: 鏡は浮遊し、あらゆる表面を巻き上げ、比例して伸縮することができる。鏡に映ったものは、内部の内容物まで記録することができるが、吸収するか、他の物質やより強固なものを作る他の手段を流用しない限り、光の構造物やホログラムを安価に再現することしかできない。
巨人/怪獣/大型対象戦略用: テレポートし、最も老化した状態でMMAの八角形の大きさの光球ホットレーザーを発射する。強化された若い頃は、アンロックジャンパーよりトップスピードと体力は劣るが、疲れることはなく、加速度やトルクも高く、忍者としての能力も高い。ブロビグダンに会う必要があれば、巨大な1つ目の火竜の姿も持っている。これは超自然的な寒さや聖なるもの、浄化・白魔法の効果に弱くなる。触ったり話したりするのは苦手。
COMPAGNO: Koku “de Hokage”
Sesso/Genere: Maschio
Relazioni sentimentali: Pensionato autoproclamatosi pervertito e scambista del gruppo, non esita a scommettere o a pagare in sesso. Piuttosto incostante, ma frequente con i membri più anziani, Zelda, i McCoy e altri ricercatori e artigiani del gruppo. Partecipa volentieri alle fantasticherie ed è sinceramente venerato e affascinato da Samgreus come uomo, dio e così via.
Ronaldo è il suo kohai e lo usa occasionalmente per progetti romantici o festeggiamenti.
Klyntar: Nome Urushi, macchie o nuvolosità grigie e fumose che sovrastano le forme altrimenti laccate di rosso-arancio, oro o nero, fatte come campane e piatti di ceramica o terracotta perfettamente incastonati con finitura liscia. Emette una sostanza schiumosa e gorgogliante tossica contro il fuoco e può persino sopravvivere e conservare l’ospite nella lava o in un inferno. Pur essendo rigido, è particolarmente vulnerabile ai suoni o alle vibrazioni che gli vengono trasmessi, ma è “sordo” a quelli che passano attraverso l’aria.
Patronus: un Ur-Badger, con i tratti di tutti i tassi completamente positivi.
Armi: Candela rossa di Hyrule che contiene una piccola fiamma che non si spegne mai e da cui può attingere il fuoco all’infinito. Per il resto, forma armi con i suoi poteri e il suo simbionte e dispone di cristalli madogu vuoti per incidere e poi incantare un’arma, se necessario. Tende a replicare le forme individuali di Kogan Anki, ma sceglie lo strumento adatto al lavoro.
Stand: Rod it All Night Long (o Stewart Highway, meno provocatoria e più breve)
Creata personalmente in base alle proprie capacità spirituali dopo aver osservato e scambiato gli altri per sviluppare le proprie.
LiaH è di fatto la Porta del Cielo, solo che per la sua natura spirituale Koku spara LUI stesso nella persona e può leggere, riorganizzare e persino bruciare le cose. Permette l’accesso al “mondo interiore” di chiunque e di qualsiasi cosa, anche se alcuni sono più attivi e sfidanti di altri. Inoltre può risiedere solo fino all’alba o al tramonto successivo e non è impossibile che qualcuno si accorga o attinga da lui mentre è dentro. Questo gli permette anche di “accendersi”, come Casshern o simili, fino a un certo punto. I kanji dell’aria, leggere o vedere qualcosa che ha scritto o dipinto, toccare lui o le sue opere ti rendono un bersaglio valido in cui fare zapping.
Dispositivo intelligente: Uno specchio che può fluttuare, arrotolarsi su qualsiasi superficie ed espandersi e contrarsi in proporzione, può archiviare qualsiasi cosa riflessa nello specchio, anche il contenuto interno, ma può riprodurre solo costrutti di luce o ologrammi a basso costo, a meno che non lo assorba o si appropri di altra materia o di qualche altro mezzo per creare cose più solide.
Ha molti altri che gli permettono e lo aiutano a forgiare e fabbricare strumenti e dispositivi magici.