I really enjoy watching YouTube videos of other artists working, especially when they are talking about their work and what inspires them. But there is a danger when I watch the videos that I will, either consciously or unconsciously, begin to try and paint like them because that has inspired me. When I try to do that, my work suffers and I start to get depressed. And that is purely because I can’t possibly paint like them. I can only emulate them, and that will seem like a pale copy, and then I haven’t painted like me, from my heart.
Painting from your heart is the only way to progress as an artist. It is fun to watch other artists and learn from what they do, just so long as you don’t get carried away and try to be like them. To buy equipment and materials that they use in the vain hope that “the magic” that they have will somehow transfer to you is broken thinking. Of course you should learn from what they are doing, but then apply it in your work in your way, and not fall for the trap of trying to be like them.
When watching the videos of other artists, it is also important to listen to what they are saying as well as looking what they are doing. Often much more important. Listening really carefully is somewhat of a lost art these days, but if you can do it you will often pick up nuggets of pure golden information. Don’t just let the voice wash over you, listen to what they are saying.
Critically, what you have to do after watching these videos is to think about how you can use the things you have learned without slavishly copying or wanting to become the people you have watched. Make some notes about what you’ve learned. If the thing has inspired you so much that you have to grab your paints straight away and get to it, then that’s good! Just be careful to make sure that your are painting as you, and not as them.