To be heard

Ever had those “no voice” dreams? You know the type... When you open your mouth to speak. And. There. Is. No. Sound. When one desperately “needs” to be heard.

They call it “bad” dreams. Why “bad”? Because just the thought of not being heard sends chivers down one's spine. Just to be clear – the terrifying kind of chivers. Again – why? Simple. Each and everyone of us yearns to be heard. The possibility of that not happening is felt as if one (as an individual) completely lacks importance. It's similar to the thought “I don't matter”. An incredibly terrifying feeling.

It is even worse when in a perceived dangerous situation one tries to cry/yell “inside” the dream. And. Again. There. Is. No. Sound. Like in that work of art of a movie “Inception”. In your head a complete reality full of everything that you actually recognize as real. “Outside” your body is asleep. Oddly enough if you get severely injured “inside” the dream your body perceives it as a severe (and real) injury and reacts accordingly. So you're no longer in a “bad” dream. You. Are. In. A. Real. Life. Nightmare. Somehow you created your very own “horror movie”-grade inception.

In “real” life though we are not solely at ease when the sound of our voices is heard. Sometimes just our thoughts being out there is enough. Other times the mere understanding by another human being that on a given day our eyes show a particular shade of sad seems to be enough.

So we keep on yearning to be heard. It also means that someone is also yearning to hear us. It's wonderful, marvelous, and so beautifuly rare when both sides meet and intertwine.